Do Fingers Swell In Winters? Read To Know If You Have Such Problem

In winter finger swelling is a common occurrence due to the cold and various underlying factors, there are practical steps you can take to mitigate.

Written by: Sambhav Kumar Updated at: Nov 13, 2023 02:45 IST

As the temperature drops many of us experience a range of physical changes. One common phenomenon that people encounter during the winter months is swollen fingers. If you've ever wondered why this happens and if you're experiencing the same issue, read on to gain a better understanding of the causes and solutions for winter finger swelling.

Why Do Fingers Swell in Winter?

Cold Temperatures

Exposure to cold weather can cause blood vessels to constrict, which may result in less blood flow to your extremities, including your fingers. This reduced blood flow can make your fingers appear swollen.

Retained Fluid

"Some people may experience fluid retention, which can be exacerbated by colder weather. When your body retains excess fluid, it can lead to swelling in various parts of the body, including the fingers," said Dr Ganesh Chaudhary, Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), PHC, Darbhanga, Bihar. 


Cold weather can worsen the symptoms of arthritis. For those with conditions like osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, inflammation in the joints can lead to swollen fingers. Cold temperatures, according to the Arthritis Foundation, can increase pain sensitivity, impair blood circulation, and trigger muscular spasms. 

Also read: Ayurvedic Remedies To Beat Winter Pollution & Smog, Expert Explains


During winter, many people tend to be less active, which can lead to poor circulation. Reduced circulation can cause your fingers to swell.

How to Address Swollen Fingers in Winter

Stay Warm

One of the most effective ways to prevent finger swelling in cold weather is to keep your hands warm. Invest in quality gloves and mittens to protect your fingers from the cold.

Stay Active

Regular physical activity helps maintain good circulation and reduces the risk of swelling. Even a short walk or simple hand exercises can be beneficial.

Reduce Sodium Intake

If you're prone to fluid retention, limiting your sodium intake can help alleviate swelling. Be mindful of your diet and try to avoid high-sodium foods.

Stay Hydrated

Paradoxically, drinking more water can help reduce fluid retention. Proper hydration can balance your body's water levels and minimise swelling.

Use Elevation

Elevating your hands above heart level when resting can encourage fluid drainage and reduce swelling.

Arthritis Management

If you have arthritis, consult with your healthcare provider for appropriate treatment options to manage your symptoms.

Also read: What Causes Dry Eyes In Winter & How Can You Prevent It

Moisturise Your Skin

Cold, dry air can lead to dry, cracked skin, which may contribute to swelling. Regularly moisturise your hands to keep your skin healthy.

Compression Gloves

Specialised compression gloves can help reduce swelling and provide support to those with arthritis or circulation issues.

If you find that your fingers are consistently swelling in winter, and the issue is causing discomfort or interfering with your daily activities, it's advisable to consult a healthcare professional. They can provide a proper diagnosis and recommend specific treatments or lifestyle adjustments tailored to your needs.

While winter finger swelling is a common occurrence due to the cold and various underlying factors, there are practical steps you can take to mitigate the issue. By staying warm, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and addressing any underlying conditions, you can enjoy the winter season without the discomfort of swollen fingers.


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