What to Expect when Inside the Labour Room

Having a good idea of what to expect during labour and delivery could really help you to overcome your fears and face the situation with confidence. Here is an insight into what happens moments before the baby is born.

Pratima Sharma
Written by: Pratima SharmaUpdated at: Feb 10, 2015 00:00 IST
What to Expect when Inside the Labour Room

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

If it is your first time in the labour room, you will certainly want to know what is bound to happen the next couple of hours. Although most doctors would advise against too much of reading and discussions, having a fair idea of how it could be will surely be helpful. However, you should remember that no two pregnancies can ever be similar. Just consider the descriptions as basic guidelines therefore.

What to expect in the labour room
Go through the following steps to understand what to expect during labour and delivery.

  1. The first phase is that of latent labour. During this time, you would experience occasional pains, contractions and cramps. The cramps can either be painful or painless. They may last through or occur at intermittent spells. The best way to deal with latent labour is to keep moving around so that the gravitational pull can act on the baby making it come lower down. You may also consider resorting to warm baths for relaxation. Taking plenty of rest is also important.
  2. Once your contractions become more regular, you would be admitted into the hospital for childbirth. Here, there will be tests to monitor the heart rate of your baby. It is important to judge how well he is tolerating labour. By this time, the pains would become much more intense. Your doctor might administer an epidural for pain relief.
  3. If the labour is not progressing as it should have been, you might be administered a dose of pitocin through the IV. Pitocin is a hormone which is injected for having stronger contractions and more pronounced labour pains. Internal monitoring for the baby may be carried out around this time.
  4. Once the cervix is dilated sufficiently, it is time to start pushing the baby out. Pushing could be a hard job. Most often, the baby could react to the pushing exercise with distress and may refuse to come down completely. In such cases, a suction cup or forceps could be used for pulling it down.
  5. After child birth, the placenta will be delivered in a matter of 30 minutes.

In certain isolated cases, this normal procedure may not result in a successful delivery. In such cases, what you can expect during labour and delivery is a C section.


Read more articles on Childbirth (Delivery)

