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What Is An Epidural For Labour? Know Benefits And Possible Risk Factors

An epidural is a pain-relieving technique performed during labour and delivery. Read to know about its benefits and important considerations. 

Sambhav Kumar
Written by: Sambhav KumarUpdated at: Oct 04, 2023 01:30 IST
What Is An Epidural For Labour? Know Benefits And Possible Risk Factors

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

Bringing a new life into the world is a journey that a woman wants to cherish, and the experience of childbirth can vary greatly from one person to another. Some may opt for natural childbirth, while others may choose to have an epidural to manage pain during labour.

Epidurals are an emerging choice for pain relief during labour, but it's essential to understand the benefits, risks, and considerations associated with this medical intervention.

What is an Epidural?

An epidural is a medical technique that involves the injection of local anaesthetics. This process numbs the bottom half of the body and relieves discomfort during labour and delivery. The epidural is normally administered by a small catheter inserted into the epidural space. An epidural can inhibit pain signals that travel from the uterus to the spine and brain via nerves. 

As per study published in the National Library of Medicine, an epidural can lessen the chances of postpartum depression in women. 

Also read: Breathlessness Without Doing Much Labour Is A Sign Of Myasthenia Disease

What Are The Benefits of Epidurals

“You will feel relief within 10-20 minutes of receiving an epidural. Furthermore, it will assist you to relax and have a more enjoyable experience. Because the drug will not enter your bloodstream, you can remain alert and experience the birthing process. You can also get an epidural at any point during labour, even if it was not part of your birth plan,” said Dr Suhasini Inamdar, consultant obstetrician and Gynecologist, Motherhood Hospital, Bangalore. 

Epidurals are highly effective at managing pain during labour. They can provide a significant reduction in pain, allowing the labouring person to remain comfortable and relaxed. Following are some other benefits of epidurals administration. 

  • Epidurals can be adjusted to provide the right level of pain relief, ensuring that the labouring person can still actively participate in the birthing process.
  • Reduced pain and discomfort can help lower stress levels during labour, potentially promoting a more positive birth experience.
  • Epidurals can offer prolonged pain relief, making them suitable for long or difficult labours.

Risks and Considerations

  • Potential Side Effects: Epidurals can have side effects, including a drop in blood pressure, itching, and a decrease in the ability to push during the second stage of labour.
  • According to Dr Inamdar, epidural can lead to having difficulty pushing the baby out during labour. 
  • Increased Medical Interventions: Epidurals can sometimes lead to other medical interventions, such as the use of oxytocin to augment labour or vacuum or forceps delivery.
  • Temporary Weakness: After an epidural, some people may experience temporary weakness or numbness in the legs.
  • Headache and Backache: As per Dr Inamdar, epidurals can cause post-dural puncture headaches or backaches.

The Decision to Get an Epidural

The choice to have an epidural during labour is very personal. It should be based on individual preferences, medical conditions, and discussions with concerned doctors. Here are some important things to consider. 

  • Consider your birth plan and whether you are open to medical interventions if necessary.
  • Discuss potential complications and side effects with your doctor.
  • Ensure you have a supportive birth team in place, including a doctor and a birthing partner who can advocate for your preferences.
  • Be open to adjustments in your birth plan as labour progresses.

Epidurals can provide effective pain relief during labour, but they also come with risks and considerations. The decision to have an epidural should be made carefully, taking into account individual preferences, medical conditions, and the guidance of doctors. 

Ultimately, the goal is a safe and positive birthing experience for both the labouring person and the baby, and epidurals are just one option in the toolkit of pain management during labour.
