
Burnout Prevention and Recognition: Expert Helps Identifying and Managing Employee Burnout

Burnout, a result of prolonged workplace stress, leads to emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion. Here's how you can manage it.

Sushmita Sharma
Written by: Sushmita SharmaUpdated at: Nov 14, 2023 22:00 IST
Burnout Prevention and Recognition: Expert Helps Identifying and Managing Employee Burnout

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

In today's fast-paced workplaces, employee burnout is a significant concern. Burnout, a result of prolonged workplace stress, leads to emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion. Recognising its signs early and offering the necessary resources and support can make a significant difference in the lives of employees. We spoke to our expert Himanshu Mandal, Manager, Healthy Workplaces Program, Arogya World, who explained workplace burnout and how to deal with it.

According to a global survey by Asana, Gen Z experiences the highest levels of job-related emotional distress at 84%, followed by Millennials at 74%. Even Baby Boomers are affected, with about half reporting similar feelings. The survey also found that burnout is more common among women, with 67% experiencing it compared to 59% of men.

Impact of Employee Burnout


Mandal said, “Employee burnout, resulting from prolonged workplace stress, leads to emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion with serious consequences. It reduces job performance and job satisfaction and increases turnover and healthcare costs.”

“Even the most successful organisations have faced employee burnout issues, emphasising the need to address this problem for a productive workforce”, added Mandal.


Identifying Employee Burnout


Identifying burnout at an early stage is pivotal for effective intervention. Some of the key indicators that can serve as signposts along this challenging path, as listed by the expert are as follows:

  • Monitoring Productivity: A sudden decline in an employee's productivity, especially if they were known for their consistently high performance, serves as a potent red flag. Missed deadlines and an uptick in errors may signal the onset of burnout.
  • Increased Absenteeism: Frequent absences, unscheduled leaves, or a heightened number of requests for time off can be indicative of emotional exhaustion and unrelenting stress.
  • Disengagement: An employee who was once brimming with enthusiasm and passion may become disengaged and indifferent. They may gradually withdraw from team activities and social events, further deepening the chasm.

How To Manage Employee Burnout

According to a survey by the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM), the lack of control over work-related decisions is a major source of stress in Indian workplaces. Recognising burnout is only half the battle; the other half lies in effective intervention. Here are some strategies listed by Mandal for addressing burnout:


  • Open Communication: Fostering an environment of open dialogue between employees and management is crucial. It is paramount that employees feel comfortable discussing their concerns and seeking support when needed.
  • Workload Management: It is imperative to revisit and recalibrate workloads, ensuring that they align with realistic expectations. Delegating tasks and providing necessary resources can go a long way in alleviating the mounting burden on employees.
  • Flexibility and Work-Life Balance: Promoting flexible work arrangements and underlining the importance of maintaining a work-life balance is pivotal. Offering employees the latitude to balance personal and professional lives can be a potent weapon against burnout.

“In the year 2020, Facebook took a notable stride in addressing burnout by introducing a policy that allows employees to request a four-week break in the face of burnout or stress-related health issues. Microsoft, too, stepped into the fray with its ‘Vibe Check’ campaign, encouraging employees to take a day off to mitigate stress and ward off burnout”, highlighted Mandal.

Also Read: Yoga To Combat Burnout: Here Are 6 Yoga Poses That Can Help

Prevention Is The Key

Prevention, as they say, is the best cure. Here are strategies listed by the expert for keeping burnout at bay:


  • Employee Well-being Programs: “Implement comprehensive well-being programs that address both physical and mental health, stress management, and work-life balance. These programs can serve as a bulwark against the perils of burnout”, said Mandal.
  • Training and Education: Provide training to both employees and managers on recognising and managing burnout. Equipping employees with stress management techniques can prove to be a potent safeguard.
  • Recognise Achievements: Never underestimate the power of acknowledgement. Reward employees for their hard work and accomplishments, as feeling appreciated can significantly reduce the risk of burnout.


Mandal concluded, “It is essential for employers and employees alike to take proactive steps to combat burnout. By creating a work environment that values physical, mental, and emotional health, organisations can boost productivity, reduce turnover, and ultimately achieve long-term success. By being vigilant and proactive, we can create workplaces where burnout is the exception, not the norm.”

[Disclaimer: The information in this article is provided by an expert and is for informational purposes only. We advise you to consult your expert if you are dealing with any mental health issues.]
