Double Cleansing: How To Clean Your Face Twice, Know Its Benefits

Double cleansing is a skincare technique believed to have originated either in Korea or Japan

Shubhangi Shah
Written by: Shubhangi ShahUpdated at: Jan 15, 2022 09:00 IST
Double Cleansing: How To Clean Your Face Twice, Know Its Benefits

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

When it comes to skincare, Koreans might be the pundits. And if the extensive 10-step Korean skincare routine has taught us anything, it’s that you need to clean your face twice and that too, with two different cleansers. This technique, called double cleansing, is popular both in Korea and Japan. It’s contested where did it first originate. Some say the Japanese geisha double cleansed their face to remove makeup. Irrespective of its origin, we can all admit that the Koreans and the Japanese are endowed with probably the best skin. Or, is it double cleansing? 

What Is Double Cleansing?

As the name suggests, it’s a skincare technique in which you clean your face twice. Simple, right? Not, as such, since you use two different kinds of cleansers, one, which is oil-based, and the other, which is water-based. The idea is that throughout the day, your skin is subjected to so much. Not just the chemicals-laden makeup, it bears the effects of dirt, weather, and pollution. Hence, it needs the requisite care to rejuvenate.

The idea is fine, but why are two different kinds of cleansers used?

  • The oil-based cleanser is used to remove the oil-based impurities, such as makeup, sebum, sunscreen, and oil-based pollutants, a leading health website reported.
  • A water-based cleanser is then used to remove sweat and residual pollutants. After the initial cleanse, the second one can easily seep through your skin for deep cleaning.

How To Double Cleanse Your Skin

In double cleansing, you clean your face twice

(Photo Credit: Freepik)

Follow the following step-by-step process to double cleanse your face:

  1. First, take a blob of oil-based cleanser and apply it to your face.
  2. Gently massage it across your face for about a minute.
  3. Next, rinse it off with lukewarm water.
  4. Next, take some water-based cleanser.
  5. Instead of patting your face dry after the first wash, apply the second cleanser on your wet face.
  6. Massage it on your face for about a minute.
  7. Rinse it off with lukewarm water.

And, you are done.

It’s crucial to note that there is no correct time of the day for double-cleansing. However, it’s better done in the night when you are done for the day and have to remove makeup. However, this doesn’t mean you cannot do it in the day. Double cleanse your face twice if it suits you. 

What To Do After Double Cleansing?

Cleaning the face can leave your skin dry and cracky. Hence, what you do after that is also important.

  • After cleaning your face with the two cleansers, apply a good moisturiser, which is chosen as per your skin type.
  • If you double cleanse in the day, apply sunscreen, when going out.
  • Similarly, when following this skincare routine in the evening, apply a good night cream, or any other product that you use.

Benefits Of Double-Cleansing

Double cleansing is a skincare routine that either originated in Korea or Japan

(Photo Credit: Freepik)

The technique is fine. But why do you need to put in so much effort? Double cleanse your face for the following benefits:

  1. It’s a great way to remove makeup.
  2. It cleans your face thoroughly.
  3. After double-cleansing, your skin can better absorb the other skincare products.
  4. It can also remove dullness.
  5. Instead of using one cleanser that is hard on your skin, it’s better to use two softer ones.
  6. Double-cleansing can be an effective tool for those with oily skin to remove the excess oil.
  7. For those who have acne-prone skin, double cleansing can be good, a leading health website reported.
  8. Again, this is an effective way to remove makeup. Hence, double-cleansing can be useful for those who apply heavy makeup.

Tips On Double-Cleansing

Although now you know much about this skincare technique, here are some tips that might help:

  1. Double-cleansing can be done at any time of the day. However, it’s better to pick one and stick with it. Consistency is the key when it comes to skincare.
  2. Even if you do not wear makeup, double-cleansing can be a useful tool as you still apply sunscreen and your skin still produces sebum.
  3. You know you have gone too far when cleaning leaves your skin dry and irritable.
  4. If the oil-based cleanser doesn’t suit you, it’s OK to use the water-based cleanser twice.
  5. Don’t be harsh on your skin while double-cleansing. Massage the cleansers gently on your skin.
  6. If the technique doesn’t suit you, switch back to your one-cleanser cleansing routine.

Although having proved to be effective, it’s not necessary that double-cleansing will suit you, too. Hence, choose the skincare routine as per your skin type. The same goes for products. Use those that are good for your skin. Consulting your dermatologist before starting with anything new might help.

Photo Credit: Freepik
