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Weather And Its Impact On Tinnitus: Understanding The Connection

Tinnitus is characterised by the perception of noise or ringing in the ears, which is a prevalent problem that affects millions of people worldwide.

Varun Verma
Written by: Varun VermaUpdated at: Jul 21, 2023 11:38 IST
Weather And Its Impact On Tinnitus: Understanding The Connection

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

Tinnitus, a condition characterised by the perception of noise or ringing in the ears, is a prevalent problem that affects millions of people worldwide. While there are several factors that can contribute to the development of tinnitus, there is a potential link between weather and its impact on tinnitus symptoms. To know more about it, we spoke to Dr Raghu Kumar S CH, Consultant Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) and Head & Neck Surgeon, Yashoda Hospitals, Hyderabad.

According to the journal Noise & Health, approximately 15% of the global population has reported experiencing tinnitus, with the majority of cases occurring among individuals aged between 40 and 80 years.

"One significant weather-related factor that can exacerbate tinnitus is cold weather," said Dr Kumar. He stated that extreme cold temperatures can directly affect the ear, leading to discomfort and ringing sensations. "Moreover, cold weather is known to increase the risk of viral infections, particularly in the nose and ears. These infections can give rise to ear problems, including tinnitus," he mentioned.

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Types of Ear Problems Arising Due to Cold or Viral Infections


According to Dr Kumar, there are two primary types of ear problems that can arise from cold or viral infections. The first type is an ear infection that causes the buildup of fluid behind the tympanic membrane, a condition known as Acute Serous Otitis Media (ASOM) or Serous Otitis Media (SOM). "Patients with ASOM or SOM may experience ear blockage, decreased hearing, and tinnitus," said the doctor. He explained that in these cases, the hearing nerve is usually not affected, and the condition can be treated effectively with medication.

The second type of ear problem linked to cold or viral infections is the impact on the hearing nerve. This condition, known as sensorineural hearing loss, can cause a decrease in hearing sensitivity, along with persistent tinnitus and dizziness. "Unlike ASOM or SOM, this type of hearing loss involves damage to the hearing nerve itself. It requires immediate and thorough evaluation by medical professionals to prevent permanent hearing damage," said Dr Kumar.

Need to Address the Problem


Dr Kumar emphasised the importance of addressing weather-related tinnitus symptoms on a priority basis. While tinnitus is often a symptom of an underlying condition, ignoring it during adverse weather conditions can lead to severe consequences.

Patients experiencing tinnitus in cold weather should take certain precautions to alleviate their symptoms. Firstly, protecting the ears from extreme cold by wearing earmuffs or a hat with ear flaps can be beneficial. Avoiding exposure to sudden temperature changes and ensuring proper insulation during the winter months can also help minimise tinnitus discomfort.

Also ReadUnexplained Ringing In Ears: 5 Causes and Risk Factors

"In addition to preventive measures, it is crucial for patients to seek timely medical attention if they notice worsening tinnitus, hearing loss, or dizziness during cold weather. Early detection and appropriate treatment can prevent long-term damage to the hearing nerve and improve overall quality of life," said the doctor.


Weather, particularly cold temperatures, can indeed affect tinnitus and contribute to ear problems. Cold weather can directly impact the ear and increase the risk of viral infections, leading to tinnitus symptoms. While most cases of weather-related tinnitus can be managed with medication and preventive measures, those experiencing persistent symptoms and hearing loss should consult an ENT specialist promptly. By understanding the link between weather and tinnitus and taking necessary precautions, individuals can better manage their symptoms and prevent potential long-term complications.

[Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. Consult your healthcare provider to get a thorough diagnosis and treatment as per your health needs.]

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