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Dementia: Warning Signs One Should Never Ignore

Recognising the warning signs of dementia is crucial for early intervention and ensuring that individuals receive the support and care they need. 

Sambhav Kumar
Written by: Sambhav KumarUpdated at: Jul 01, 2023 16:00 IST
Dementia: Warning Signs One Should Never Ignore

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

Dementia is a degenerative neurological condition which has a negative impact on a person's quality of life since it inhibits cognitive function, memory, and conduct. Recognising dementia's early warning signals is critical for prompt intervention and assistance. It is important to underline the significance of getting expert assistance for an accurate diagnosis and suitable care.

According to the World Health Organisation, more than 55 million individuals worldwide suffer from dementia, with more than 60% living in low- and middle-income nations. Every year, about 10 million new cases are reported.

Memory Loss

According to Dr Kunal Bahrani, Director Neurology Fortis Escorts Hospital, Faridabad, memory problems are often one of the earliest signs of dementia. Significant memory loss that affects daily life, such as forgetting recently learned information, important dates, or repeatedly asking for the same information, should not be ignored.

Difficulty with Problem-Solving and Planning

Dementia can impair a person's ability to solve problems and make decisions. Individuals may struggle with tasks that involve numbers, following a recipe, or managing finances. Complex planning and organising become increasingly challenging.

Also read: Study Finds Coffee May Reduce Dementia Risk By 65%

Language and Communication Problems

Dr Bahrani said,”dementia can affect a person's language skills, leading to difficulties in finding the right words, following a conversation, or expressing thoughts coherently”. They may also experience difficulty understanding written or spoken information.

Disorientation and Confusion

Individuals with dementia often become disoriented in time and place. They may get lost in familiar surroundings, forget where they are, or have difficulty remembering how they arrived at a particular location.

Changes in Mood and Personality

Dementia can cause noticeable shifts in mood and personality. Individuals may become irritable, anxious, depressed, or exhibit uncharacteristic behaviour. They may withdraw from social activities and lose interest in previously enjoyed hobbies.

Also read: Research Suggests Taking Multiple Medications May Increase Dementia Risk

Poor Judgment and Impaired Decision-Making

Dementia can affect a person's judgement and reasoning abilities, leading to poor decision-making. They may exhibit a lack of judgement in situations that require caution, such as giving away large sums of money or falling for scams.

Decline in Motor Skills and Coordination

In later stages of dementia, individuals may experience a decline in motor skills and coordination. Simple tasks like buttoning a shirt or using utensils become challenging. They may exhibit tremors, have difficulty walking, or experience frequent falls.

When to Seek Professional Help

If you or a loved one exhibit any of the aforementioned warning signs, it is essential to consult a healthcare professional for a comprehensive evaluation. While experiencing occasional memory lapses is common, persistent and worsening symptoms should not be ignored. Early detection allows for appropriate management, treatment, and support services.

It is important to note that dementia can be caused by a variety of conditions, including Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia, Lewy body dementia, and others. To discover the underlying cause and develop an appropriate care plan, a healthcare expert can do a full assessment that includes a medical history, cognitive testing, and imaging if necessary.

Memory loss, difficulties with problem-solving and communication, disorientation, mood changes, impaired judgement, motor skill decline, and personality changes are all significant red flags. If you or someone you know is experiencing these symptoms, do not hesitate to seek professional help. Timely diagnosis and appropriate care can make a significant difference in managing the condition and improving the quality of life for those affected by dementia.
