E-cigarettes Banned! Union Health Ministry Says Owning Vapes Is A Violation Of Law

The health ministry wants to aid public health as countless studies have shown that e-cigarettes are far more harmful than cigarettes.

Ritika Sakhuja
Written by: Ritika SakhujaUpdated at: Oct 07, 2023 12:08 IST
E-cigarettes Banned! Union Health Ministry Says Owning Vapes Is A Violation Of Law

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

This news might come as a shock to a number of Indian city folk who are currently experiencing the exact opposite. The number of users of e-cigarettes or vapes has been multiplying every day, and the sign of an e-cigarette ban is far from what's being practised in India. That is why the Union Health Ministry had to once again assert that possessing e-cigarettes in any form, quantity, or manner is in direct violation of the Prohibition of Electronic Cigarettes Act (PECA), 2019.

The health ministry is keen on banning vapes to aid public health as countless studies have shown that e-cigarettes are far more harmful than normal cigarettes, and at the very least, a gateway to cigarette smoking in the case of young kids. As per the American Lung Association, 'e-cigarettes produce a number of dangerous chemicals that can cause lung and cardiovascular diseases. Most e-cigarettes also contain acrolein, a herbicide primarily used to kill weeds. It can cause acute lung injury, obstructed lungs, asthma, and even lung cancer.'

E-cigarette Ban

E-cigarette Ban India

The Health Ministry issued their reiteration in a clarification to the Ministry of Civil Aviation (MCA), calling for strict enforcement of the ban on e-cigarettes.

As per the PECA Act, all aspects of e-cigarettes, from production, manufacturing, import, export, transport, selling, storing, and advertising are banned in India. “Therefore, possession of e-cigarettes within the country in any quantity is not possible without contravening the provisions of PECA, 2019,” said Dr Pulkesh Kumar, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Health.

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Under the PECA Act, all forms of e-cigarettes are banned including electronic nicotine delivery systems, e-hookahs, vapes, and vape pens. This is quite a contrast to what is actually being practised across the country, as e-cigarettes continue to be sold through tobacco vendors, general stores, and online retailers.

E-cigarette Ban India

This current notice comes after constant efforts on The Health Ministry's behalf to protect the masses from the dangerous effects of e-cigarettes. In February, the ministry had written to the appropriate authorities of all States and Union Territories (UTs) to ensure that all governments are complying with PECA. Then in May, the ministry issued a public notice for immediate implementation of the PECA Act. This was followed up with stringent warnings issued to 15 websites selling e-cigarettes in July, to stop advertising and selling such products. 

Also Read: Scientifically Proved: E-Cigarettes Are Equally Detrimental As Tobacco Cigarettes

The Union Ministry Of Health And Family Welfare had also sent out letters to chief secretaries of all states and UTs, flagging the sale of e-cigarettes at stationery stores near educational institutions. This is another testament to their efforts to safeguard youth from vapes and potential future cigarette addiction.

Ending their clarification to MCA, the ministry notified that they have launched an online portal for people to report any violations under PECA so that the ministry can take necessary actions. Anyone can report these violations at ‘http://www.violation-reporting.in
