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Winters Can Cause COVID Wave, Warns UK Health Agency: Expert Shares Immunity Boosting Precautions

We are seeing an increase in cases which signal the start of the winter wave of COVID-19. So it's time to boost your immunity: UK Health Agency.

Ritika Sakhuja
Written by: Ritika SakhujaUpdated at: Oct 20, 2023 14:10 IST
Winters Can Cause COVID Wave, Warns UK Health Agency: Expert Shares Immunity Boosting Precautions

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

Although winters may bring a much-needed respite from the scorching heat of the summer months, they also induce an increase in respiratory infections. In line with this, the United Kingdom Health Security Agency (UKSHA) warned that COVID cases might rise during the upcoming winter

"This week’s surveillance indicates a slight increase in COVID-19 infection rates. As we enter the colder months and people begin to mix more indoors, we can expect to see further increases in COVID-19 alongside the usual increases we see in other winter respiratory viruses like flu," said Dr Mary Ramsay, Director of Public Health Programmes, UKHSA, has said.

Although the advisory may be for the United Kingdom (UK) residents, it holds true for the rest of the world, especially for places that experience a vast fluctuation in temperature between the summer and the winter months. Even the winter safety tips provided by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention highlighted, ‘This winter, don’t forget COVID-19 precautions.’

Winter Wave Of COVID-19

COVID Winter Wave

"It is clear now that we are seeing an increase which could signal the start of the anticipated winter wave of COVID-19. So it's time to boost your protection, “ added Dr Ramsay. As per the CDC and the UK Health Agency Advisory, some of the reasons why COVID may spread more during the winter months are:

  • Indoor Crowding: During colder months, people tend to spend more time indoors in close proximity, which increases the chances of virus transmission.
  • Low Humidity: Indoor heating systems can lead to lower humidity levels, which can dry out mucous membranes in the respiratory tract, making it easier for viruses to infect.
  • Weakened Immune Response: Cold temperatures may weaken the immune system's response to viruses.

Boosting Immunity During Winter Season

COVID Winter Wave

"While COVID-19 and flu can be mild infections for many, we must not forget that they can cause severe illness or even death for those most vulnerable in our communities," Dr Ramsay said. To create awareness about some dietary precautions for people with low immunity, the team of OnlyMyHealth spoke to Arpita Doshi, Founder, Nutrition Dynamic Foods. She Listed: 

  • Include Millets: Millets like foxtails, ragi and bajra protect against cellular damage and can help boost immunity.
  • Daily Turmeric Milk At Night: A warm glass of turmeric milk can reduce inflammation, promote good sleep and boost immunity. This works best when taken before bedtime.
  • Green Tea Every Morning: Drinking green tea first thing in the morning can strengthen your immunity, as it consists of antioxidants that prevent heart diseases and is loaded with compounds that act as an immunity booster. 
  • Consume Root Vegetables: Root vegetables such as sweet potatoes, beetroots, carrots and yam, are rich in carotenoids which help boost immunity and prevent illness. 

While COVID-19-appropriate measures like getting vaccinated and tested, washing hands, wearing masks, and avoiding public places, are just as helpful in preventing COVID-19. Having a balanced meal including the above tips, staying hydrated, good hygiene practices, and quality sleep can boost your immunity and protect you from COVID-19 in the upcoming winters.
