Looking For A Partner? Try These 5 Types of Dating Methods

This article mentions five types of dating that you can try to find love through different mediums.

Chanchal Sengar
Written by: Chanchal SengarUpdated at: May 23, 2022 18:17 IST
Looking For A Partner? Try These 5 Types of Dating Methods

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

Looking for love can be overwhelming if you are new to the dating concept or you have had bad past experiences. These days, dating is not limited to finding love but a companion to share your present with. Only a few people search for commitment while dating that may or may not end up in serious relationship. The whole idea of dating is to find an ideal match who synchronizes with your likes, dislikes, thoughts and way of living. For this, there are so many dating methods that one can go for. Check out this article to find out about different ways to date someone.

Online Dating

This is one of the most popular dating methods these days because of ease of finding love online. Since technology has taken over everything, it has strongly influenced dating scenario too. Due to the vast reach of online platforms, it has become easy for people to find suitable matches in billions of people. There are many websites and applications of online dating that you can choose from. Online dating can be convenient but it can also get overwhelming because of the innumerable options you get. Also, cheating and fake profiles should not be neglected when considering online dating. 

  • When talking online, check their social media profiles to see if they are genuine or fake.
  • Do a video call first before meeting in person.
  • Select a public place to meet for the first time and then you can go ahead with other places.

Double Dating

Types of dating

If you are new to dating, you can ask some friend of yours to go for a double dating. This is a great way to bond over with friends and have a good time. This is not a date-date thing because this would be more of a casual outing. Double dating concept was earlier limited to couples who are already in a relationship but now, it has become a great way for hookup and setting up common friends. This type of dating is apt for shy and introverts.

Blind Dating

Have you ever heard of blind dating concept? This is more seen in the western part of the world where two people who have never met or talked before go on a date. Blind date is basically going on a date with a complete stranger who you haven’t chosen yourself. You don’t know how they look, what they do or even their name for that matter. This would be an experience that people who are interested to find love in an unusual way shall try.

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Types of dating

Casual Dating

Most dating happening these days are casual dating. This is when you casually decide to meet a person who seem a potential date or partner to you. This is perfect for people who are not looking for a serious relationship or true love through dating. This is just a casual meeting wherein you discuss your interests and then decide whether you wish to date that person or not.

The other subtype of casual dating is when you are already in a relationship but casually decides to meet someone over a date. This is also seen in a couple who decide to go on a break and meet different people.

Serious Dating

The fifth type of dating is serious dating which is only for people looking for serious and lifetime love. In this, two people who have fallen in love through either medium date which eventually unites them for lifetime. This is basically the last step before marriage to seal the commitment. 

These are the five types of dating. You can try whichever fits your requirement and wish. Just be careful with online dating to not get cheated.

Image credits- freepik
