Protect Your Eye Before It Is Infected With Conjunctivitis; 8 Top Tips To Follow

To safeguard your eyes from this common infection, consider implementing the following tips.

Tanya Srivastava
Written by: Tanya SrivastavaUpdated at: Jul 26, 2023 16:13 IST
Protect Your Eye Before It Is Infected With Conjunctivitis; 8 Top Tips To Follow

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

Conjunctivitis, commonly known as "pink eye," is a contagious eye infection that causes redness, itchiness, and a discharge from the eyes. While the condition is typically not serious, it can be uncomfortable and disruptive to daily life. 

Tips To Protect Your Eye Before It Is Infected With Conjunctivitis

To safeguard your eyes from this common infection, consider implementing the following tips:

1. Practise Good Hygiene

Regularly washing your hands with soap and water is one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of conjunctivitis. Avoid touching your eyes with unwashed hands, as this can transfer bacteria or viruses to your eyes.

2. Avoid Sharing Personal Items

Conjunctivitis can spread through contact with infected surfaces or objects. Refrain from sharing items like towels, eye drops, makeup, or contact lenses with others to minimise the risk of contamination.

3. Wear Protective Eyewear

If you're engaging in activities that may expose your eyes to irritants or foreign particles, such as swimming or working in a dusty environment, wear appropriate eye protection to shield your eyes.

Also read: Conjunctivitis Cases Spike In Delhi-NCR; What You Need To Know

4. Practise Proper Contact Lens Hygiene

If you wear contact lenses, always adhere to the prescribed cleaning and replacement schedule. Avoid sleeping with your lenses on, as this can trap bacteria against your eyes, increasing the likelihood of infection.


5. Maintain a Clean Environment

Regularly clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces, especially if someone in your household or workplace is experiencing conjunctivitis symptoms.

Also read: Conjunctivitis Cases Spike In Delhi-NCR; What You Need To Know

6. Avoid Rubbing Your Eyes

If you suspect you have conjunctivitis or have been in contact with an infected person, refrain from touching or rubbing your eyes. This can further irritate the eyes and potentially worsen the infection.

7. Seek Medical Advice

If you experience symptoms of conjunctivitis, such as redness, itchiness, discharge, or increased sensitivity to light, consult an eye care professional promptly. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment can help minimise discomfort and prevent the infection from spreading to others.

8. Stay Home if Infected

If you or someone in your household has conjunctivitis, it's crucial to avoid close contact with others, especially in crowded places, until the infection clears up. This will help prevent further transmission.

Remember, prevention is always better than cure. By following these simple tips, you can significantly reduce the risk of contracting conjunctivitis and protect your precious eyesight from this bothersome infection.
