10 Uses Of Olive Oil For Everyday Woes

Olive oil is counted amongst the healthiest oils because it contains healthy fats as well as antioxidants. Learn its more uses in this slideshow.

Chanchal Sengar
Written by:Chanchal SengarPublished at: Aug 06, 2021

Overall health

Overall health

To begin with, let us talk about the health benefits of consuming olive oil. This oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, oleic acid and a large part of monounsaturated fats which are great for holistic health. This prevents and treat numerous health conditions. It aids weight loss, promotes heart health and keeps blood pressure, blood sugar in check.



If your stomach seems to be upset or you are dealing with constipation, you must add olive oil to your diet. Consuming two teaspoons of olive oil in the morning after waking up can aid constipation and help you get bowel movements. Kindly note that do not overconsume olive oilas it can cause discomfort.

Dry hands

Dry hands

If you are someone whose hands get supremely dry irrespective of the season, you must try olive oil and use it as a hand cream. Trust us, this works like magic in moisturising hands. For better result, you can mix olive oil with ghee and essential oil to make homemade hand cream.

Dry Skin

Dry Skin

Apart from dry hands, dry skin is also a common problem especially in the dry weather. While using a face moisturiser can certainly help in providing moisture to your hands, alternatively, you can also use olive oil as face oil. It has got essential nutrients that provide added nourishment to your face.

Makeup Remover

Makeup Remover

If you are into makeup, you would how hard the process of removing makeup can get. Particularly if you run out your makeup remover or these are harsh on your skin. In such as case, you can always use olive oil to remove your makeup. Just take some on a cotton pad and remove all your makeup. 

Healing minor wounds

Healing minor wounds

Minor wounds like cuts and infections are a part of day-to-day lives. You cannot always have antiseptic and antibacterial creams handy. Also, some people do not use anything on these minor cuts. Using olive oil on minor wounds is a great remedy and it also promotes healing process.

Diaper rash

Diaper rash

Diaper rash is quite a common problem with babies especially in summer and monsoon season. Apart from using diaper rash cream, you can also go natural by using olive oil on diaper rash. This is an extremely nourishing oil with essential fatty acids to allows faster healing of the baby’s sensitive skin.

Split ends

Split ends

One of the most common hair problems that a lot of people encounter is split ends. If you have dry and damaged hair, you would be most affected by split ends. Let us tell you how to get rid of it. Just apply olive oil to your hair from scalp to ends. Shampoo after an hour. Do this twice or thrice a day to see amazing results.

Ear Wax

Ear Wax

While ear wax is good as it prevents external harmful elements from entering into ears and causing problems, extra ear wax is discomforting. To remove it, dip an earbud in olive oil and then insert it in the ear. After 10 minutes, use a clean earbud to extract ear wax. It would soften and get removed easily.

Cracked Heels

Cracked Heels

If you are someone whose feet are exposed to dirt and dust a lot, you must be encountering cracked heels problem. While there are medicated creams for the same, you can make use of olive oil to heal cracked heels. Just massage heels with olive oil daily and see the cracks filling. All Images Source- freepik
