Effective Pain Relief Techniques for Labour

Labour pains can be very painful and terrible, you should help yourself by getting some tips on easing labour pain and having a delivery with relative ease. Learn here how to ease labour pain.

 Onlymyhealth Staff Writer
Written by: Onlymyhealth Staff WriterUpdated at: Dec 31, 2018 18:38 IST
Effective Pain Relief Techniques for Labour

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

Now that you have entered the last trimester of your pregnancy, we’re sure you are excited as well as nervous. Excited because all the wait for your baby will now be over and you will finally get to hold your bundle of joy in your hands.

Well, all the mothers go through these emotions. Labour pains, childbirth and newborn baby care are bound to trouble you for a long time. This article is an attempt at reducing a part of your nervousness. There are several tips, mentioned below, which will talk about easing your labour pains. We know it is easier said than done, but if you can successfully try to think of something else, that is trying to think of how cute your baby will be, what will he do when he sits for the first time, the expression on his face when he takes the first step, etc. you will be able to distract yourself from the labour pain. Listed below are some methods to ease labour pain.

Soothing Environment

The setting for giving birth should be a comfortable and safe one and there should be enough space to walk and breathe. Make sure that the bed upon which the woman is lying is comfortable and soft, and that there are music players, rocking chair, and a low stool. There must also be full access to all the required medical facilities if the need arises. This is the most important labour pain relief technique.

Also Read: Manage Pain Naturally during Labour and Delivery

The Birth Team

Your birth team should consist of knowledgeable, caring and responsible midwives, doctors, nurses and your relatives. Do not have anyone who is a nuisance, and keep children away from this site, when you are treated with patience and understanding then the inhibitions decrease by itself.

Express Fears

You should be able to express your worries and fears to your about labour and the pain attached to it, will it get out of control? You must speak to someone who has had the experience of delivering and get enough knowledge regarding it. Also, by stating your preferences in a birth plan can also help calm fears.

Breathing Techniques

You must breathe slowly during your contractions and release the tension with each exhalation, then try to moan. Also, you should try taking quick breaths every 2 to 3 seconds. If in case you lose your rhythm then ask your partner to help you get it back with eye contact, rhythmic hand or even head movements. He could also guide you through the contractions.

Also Read: What are the Signs and Symptoms of Premature Labour

Warm Shower

One of the most natural pain relief during labour is to get a warm shower. Make sure the water is warm and not hot; this could relax you and may even speed the labour at times.

One of the best ways that are suggested for those facing labour is changing the position, as this is a very effective tip to ease labour pain. Moreover, you should learn all you can about labour and the last phase of pregnancy, read magazines, books and read websites to get information on all this. This way you would be more prepared.

It is natural to feel scared and nervous. You need to know that painful though it might be, the process will get over soon giving you a lifetime of happiness in your arms. Think of the baby and your future. These positive thoughts will help ease labour pain for you.

Read more articles on Labour and Delivery.

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