How to make a Woman in Labour feel Nice with Words

During labour it is only right for you to help your wife or close one, and you should say good things to keep her happy.

Bhadra Kamalasanan
Written by: Bhadra KamalasananUpdated at: Jul 14, 2018 06:00 IST
How to make a Woman in Labour feel Nice with Words

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

It is nice that you want to be of some help to your dear one who is in labour, but the fact is that you are not being of much help when you are saying all the wrong things. When in labour a woman is usually very irritated, so try to say the right things during this time.

You should also have a fair idea about things to say to a labouring woman, so you can create a positive ambience by helping her to overcome the associated difficulties. Some effective tips in this regard could perhaps come in handy. When a woman enters labour, it can easily turn out to be one of the most challenging phases of her life. Along with a complete medical care and support, what she would require is a lot of encouragement and assistance from her near and dear ones. If your partner is slated to go into labour, make sure you are present by her side.

Things to Say to a Labouring Woman for Support

The child she is about to give birth to is testimony of the bond of love you share with your partner. Therefore, one of the simplest things to do at this point is to reassure and reaffirm your love for her. Just a simple, “I love you more than ever” can perhaps make her feel much better.  The more connected she feels to her partner she’s sharing the baby with, the easier it would be for her to conquer the challenges.

Continue to encourage her by stating that she is simply doing a fabulous job. She just needs to hang in there for a while, that’s all. Although, she might not be in a position to react positively to your statements, it could make her feel a bit better considering that she would be enduring excruciating pain at the moment.

Remember, your encouragement should not seem like a pressure on her. Do not say things like, “Come on! You have to!” or “Go on, show what you’re made of!” These can have negative repercussions on her psyche. Use terms like, “Try a bit harder, I know you can do it!” or better still, “Let’s do it together!”

Try to talk to her about her baby. This could, in fact, be the best inspiration possible. Remind her of all the cute little items she has bought for him or her. Talk to her about the dreams you have both shared with respect to the grooming of the baby. Talk to her about the unforgettable feeling of seeing her child for the first time. Create an environment of positive anticipation. “Hold on, our baby is on its way!” or “A few moments and we’d be parents!”

Things to say to a labouring woman should also attempt to do away with her fears. For example, you should assure her that she would survive this delivery safely and be a great mum in the future.

Making labour a joint affair would ease out the challenges considerably. Learning more about things to say to a labouring woman for support would definitely be of  great help.

Read more articles on Labour and Delivery.

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