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Hair Transplant: Things To Consider And What Precautions To Take Post Surgery

Seeking advice from a qualified dermatologist or trichologist can help identify the underlying issue and guide you the best course of action.

Sambhav Kumar
Written by: Sambhav KumarUpdated at: Aug 07, 2023 14:52 IST
Hair Transplant: Things To Consider And What Precautions To Take Post Surgery

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

Are you one of those who dream of lush and lustrous hair but find yourself grappling with hair loss? Don’t worry, one of the advancements in the world of cosmetic surgery is hair transplant, a procedure that can revitalise your confidence and help you regrow your hair. Here are a few essential factors to consider while opting for hair transplant to ensure optimal results. 

Firstly, it is important to understand the root cause of your hair loss. Is it due to hereditary factors, hormonal changes, stress, or any medical condition?

Seeking advice from a qualified dermatologist or trichologist can help identify the underlying issue and guide you towards the best course of action.

According to a small community-based cross-sectional study for doctors published in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, the prevalence of hair fall was 60.3%, while the prevalence of baldness was 50.7% among men between the ages of 18-35. 

Educate Yourself 

In an interaction with OnlyMyHealth, Dr Nivedita Dadu, Renowned Dermatologist, Founder and Chairman of Dadu Medical Centre, New Delhi said "It's important to understand that preparing for a hair transplant entails more than just making an appointment, it’s all about educating oneself, having realistic expectations, and emotionally and physically prepared."

Consider Time 

Time is an invaluable factor when it comes to a hair transplant. Patience is key, as rushing into the procedure may not yield the desired results. For instance, some hair loss conditions, like male pattern baldness, may progress over time. Waiting for hair loss to stabilise is vital before considering transplantation.


Age is another pivotal aspect. Hair transplant candidates are generally advised to be in their late 20s or older. This allows for a more accurate assessment of the pattern and extent of hair loss, enabling the surgeon to act accordingly. 

Precautions To Take Post Surgery 

While the surgery is generally safe and effective, it is important to take certain precautions after the procedure to ensure proper healing and successful results. In this article, we will discuss essential precautions to follow after a hair transplant surgery.

Avoid Touching or Scratching the Transplanted Area

One of the primary precautions after a hair transplant is to refrain from touching or scratching the transplanted area. The newly transplanted hair follicles are delicate and can easily dislodge if disturbed. 

Touching or scratching the area can lead to infection or jeopardise the overall success of the surgery. Follow your surgeon's instructions carefully and avoid any unnecessary contact with the transplanted region.

Follow Medication and Post-Surgery Care

Your surgeon will likely prescribe medications to aid the healing process and prevent infection. It is essential to strictly follow the prescribed medications and post-surgery care routine. This may include antibiotics, pain relievers, and topical treatments to keep the scalp clean and moisturised.

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Avoid Strenuous Activities and Exercise

During the initial recovery period, it is advisable to avoid any strenuous activities or exercise that could increase blood flow to the scalp. Excessive sweating and physical strain may negatively impact the newly transplanted hair follicles. Your surgeon will provide guidelines on when it is safe to resume normal physical activities.

Sleep with Your Head Elevated

To minimise swelling and promote healing, it is recommended to sleep with your head elevated for the first few nights after the hair transplant. This position helps reduce blood flow to the scalp, preventing excessive swelling around the transplanted area.

Protect Your Scalp from the Sun

Direct exposure to the sun's harmful UV rays can be detrimental to the healing process. After the surgery, avoid direct sunlight on your scalp for at least a month. If you must go out, wear a wide-brimmed hat or use a scarf to shield your scalp from the sun.

Avoid Smoking and Alcohol

Smoking and alcohol consumption can impede the healing process and negatively affect hair growth. It is advisable to abstain from smoking and limit alcohol intake during the recovery period to optimise the results of your hair transplant.

Maintain a Healthy Diet

Proper nutrition is crucial for the recovery process and hair growth. Consume a well-balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins to support the healing of the transplanted hair follicles.
