Tension In Love Life? Sleep Could Be The Reason Behind It!

If you are not sure about your relationship and cannot decide if you are dating the right person or not? In short, if there is tension in your love life? Then sleep could be the reason behind it. Here you go!

 Onlymyhealth Staff Writer
Written by: Onlymyhealth Staff WriterUpdated at: Aug 23, 2019 10:57 IST
Tension In Love Life? Sleep Could Be The Reason Behind It!

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

We all know that good sleep is needed for good health. In a well functioning body, the brain is processed to carry our emotions and memories with the help of sleep. And when its about love, this emotion has so much to do with almost everyone's life. When you sleep well, you get up the next morning afresh and start your day with zeal. However, your sleep is disrupted or not complete, your whole day feels like a burden.

Sleep deprivation is like falling into a river of ice: The body stops circulation to the attachment and tries to keep the core warm. It fell into survival mode. So, when u don't sleep well your body goes for few things like finding food, urinate, get over with the day. The space for extra activities like socializing, conversation with loved ones and other imaginative ideas ends. So, sleep affects a relationship more than we thought of earlier. Let's see the details underneath:

Your emotions are gone into the trash folder

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Feeling more anxious than usual? Or do you want your partner to be quiet for a day or to the point conversation only, after an all-nighter? You have gone with sleep deficiency. So you must be feeling tired and little fewer emotions are revolving in your body. The brain part which ties your emotion to your body is not functioning well. It will lead you to overreact or not pay attention to someone's else emotion. This can lead to more conflicts in a relationship and also damages one's relationship. In a 2013 study, poor sleepers have symptoms of depression and perceived stress. This affects the love conversation between the partners. With a night of good sleep, people are at less risk of overreaction and conflicts.

Can Make You Sick and Tired

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  • Lack of sleep can put you at many health risks giving you diseases such as diabetes, heart diseases, obesity, and depression.
  • The other common one is the common cold, very common!!! 
  • These sick and tired time cancels your outing and dinner plans with your partner leading ultimately to a poor relationship.

Sleeping Schedule Variation can also be a Problem

  • In a relationship and having odd working hours? A fuel to later conflicts. If you are having a night shift schedule of work and the whole world including your love works in the day. 
  • So, obvious your sleeping hour will vary and this will ultimately one day can make your relationship toxic. There will be communication gaps and more of the conflicts in between.
  • Need for sleep will be the ultimate thing. But managing some quality time somehow will make a change. Although it will be a little more adjusting. If you have the same working time, you will tend to sleep at almost the same time and make time without any sacrifice of sleep.

So, now what will you choose? a better sleep or being a night rider??? Sleep efficiently and make your relationship flourish happily.

Written by Stuti Mishra

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