Myth Buster: Popular Teeth Whitening Myths Debunked By Dental Expert

Yellow teeth can be unappealing and unattractive. If you’re considering whitening them, here are a few things to know. 

Written by: Tenzin Chodon Updated at: Nov 13, 2023 00:30 IST

As you age, your enamel starts to wear out from all the chewing and plaque buildup from foods and drinks, resulting in discolouration of teeth. Poor oral hygiene therefore becomes one of the primary causes of yellow teeth. This is when people first resort to natural remedies, which include baking soda, said to help remove surface stains, hydrogen peroxide, which can bleach teeth, and oil pulling, a technique involving swishing oil in your mouth, said to improve oral health. But are these remedies really effective? Can we fully depend on them? And what are the common misconceptions people have when it comes to teeth whitening. 

Speaking with the OnlyMyHealth team, Dr J Brahmaji Rao, Senior Dental Surgeon, Kamineni Hospitals, L.B Nagar, Hyderabad, answers some of the common queries and busts some of the common myths when it comes to teeth whitening. 

Also Read: Embarrassed By Yellow Teeth? Natural Remedies To Whiten Them

Myth: Home remedies are as effective as professional treatments

Fact: Natural remedies can have limited effectiveness and may not provide the same results as professional teeth whitening methods.

Myth: Whitening toothpaste is highly effective

Fact: While whitening toothpaste can help remove surface stains, they often have limited whitening power compared to professional treatments.

Myth: Charcoal toothpaste is safe and effective

Fact: Charcoal toothpaste can be abrasive and may damage tooth enamel. Its safety and efficacy are still debated among dental professionals.

Myth: Teeth can be whitened overnight 

Fact: Achieving significant teeth whitening usually takes time, whether through natural remedies or professional treatments. Instant results are typically not realistic.

Proven Ways To Whiten Teeth

"In the clinic, the most effective and quickest teeth whitening method is where dentists use potent bleaching agents and specialised equipment to achieve significant results in a single visit," Dr Rao says. 

In addition, you can use at-home teeth whitening kits provided by dentists, which offer effective results but take more time compared to in-clinic treatments, the doctor adds. 

Also Read: Dental Health: Here Are Some Best And Worst Food For Your Teeth

According to the doctor, laser teeth whitening is another in-clinic option, involving a laser to enhance the bleaching solution's effects for faster and more noticeable results. 

For severe staining or discoloration resistant to traditional methods, veneers can be considered, as they entail placing thin porcelain shells on the teeth to create a white and uniform appearance, Dr Rao shares. 

Foods And Beverages To Avoid 

There are certain foods and beverages that stain your teeth the most. Some of them include:

  • Coffee and tea
  • White and red wine
  • Cola, sodas, and other carbonated drinks
  • Energy drinks
  • Sauces, such as soy, tomato, or curry sauces

Moreover, smoking is one of the primary risk factors of oral diseases. A study published in the Journal BMC Public Health found that 28% of smokers have moderate and severe levels of tooth discolouration compared to 15% in non-smokers. 


Maintaining oral hygiene is of utmost importance. However, sometimes it alone does not suffice. It is important to speak with your dentist and lay down all your options for teeth whitening. According to WebMD, tooth-whitening works best for people with yellow teeth and is less effective for people with brown teeth. Therefore, if your teeth are grey or purple, tooth bleaching may not work at all. Hence the procedures can be time-consuming and not worth your money. This is why speaking with a dentist is of utmost importance. 


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