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Teenage Balding: Hair Transplant Surgeon Shares Causes and Tips To Prevent

A lot of teenagers are experiencing balding these days. Doctor lists out causing factors and prevention tips.

Chanchal Sengar
Written by: Chanchal SengarUpdated at: Oct 30, 2023 20:15 IST
Teenage Balding: Hair Transplant Surgeon Shares Causes and Tips To Prevent

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

During the adolescent years, when vitality and health should be at their peak, an alarming number of teenagers are experiencing chronic hair loss. Dr BL Jangid, Dermatologist, Hair Transplant Surgeon and Founder of SkinQure Clinic, New Delhi shared his views on why it is crucial to address the concerning issue of teenage hair loss. He sheds light on the root causes and effective prevention strategies for this growing problem.

What Causes Teenage Balding?


One of the primary factors contributing to teenage hair loss, as opined by Dr Jangid, is malnutrition. Teenagers, often unaware of the profound impact of their dietary choices on overall health, tend to opt for junk food over nutritious options. As he emphasises, "Hair growth is linked to the availability of essential nutrients, such as calcium and protein. Consuming a diet devoid of these vital components can impede the hair growth process and result in thinning and hair loss."

Male Pattern Baldness

Male pattern baldness is another significant contributor to teenage hair loss, particularly among males. This condition can begin during the teenage years and typically manifests as a receding hairline and thinning on the top of the head. "Early intervention is essential and seeking consultation with a certified dermatologist can provide valuable guidance and treatment options," he advises.

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What Causes Teenage Balding

Hormonal Imbalance

The specialist also highlights the impact of hormonal imbalances that often accompany puberty. "Puberty is a phase marked by significant hormonal changes, which can have diverse effects on health, including hair growth," he shares. "To manage these imbalances efficiently, it is crucial to maintain a balanced lifestyle, including proper nutrition and regular exercise," he adds.

How to prevent balding in teenagers?

It is imperative to take proactive measures to prevent teenage hair loss. By adhering to a balanced diet, seeking early intervention when going through severe hair loss, and adopting a healthy lifestyle, teenagers can not only promote hair growth but also enhance their overall well-being.

Adolescence should be a time of vitality and self-confidence, and preventing hair loss can significantly contribute to boosting confidence and overall quality of life.

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Here are few tips that can help:

Teenage Balding

  • Consume foods packed with vitamins C, E, & A and lead a healthy lifestyle. Eat a varied diet that includes fruits, juices, nuts, and green leafy vegetables.
  • Keep the scalp clean, and avoid applying too much oil on the scalp. You may do a scalp massage at home once per week. Any oil can be used to oil hair, however just a small amount should be used. There is no need to apply excessive amounts of oil or leave oil in the hair all night. You might increase the risk of developing more dandruff if you do this.
  • Use harsh chemicals and heat styling products as little as possible.
  • Refrain from doing self-medication to treat your scalp and hair issues.

Final Word

A qualified dermatologist should be consulted if someone experiences loss of more than 100 hairs per day so they can determine the cause, which could be one of the aforementioned factors. Those who experience hair loss due to hormonal problems must take medication for the rest of their lives because the effects of hormones do not go away completely. However, baldness can be delayed and hair growth and thickness can be encouraged with the aid of medications and treatments. So pay attention to what your doctor says and carry on with the recommended course of treatment.
