Take clues from Priyanka Chopra and learn how to strengthen relationship with in-laws

If you are about to get married or recently got married, here are tips for you to build a strong relationship with your in-laws just like your favourite actress Priyanka Chopra.

Varsha Vats
Written by: Varsha VatsUpdated at: Dec 04, 2018 17:03 IST
Take clues from Priyanka Chopra and learn how to strengthen relationship with in-laws

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

Famous actress Priyanka Chopra and American singer Nick Jonas are one of the most favourite couples who got married this year. The couple celebrated their wedding beautifully at Jodhpur's Umaid Bhawan Palace. Everyone is looking great in colourful Indian attire at the ceremony. Priyanka and Nick are from different countries and followed different religions and culture but the couple seems to have a great compatibility. Not just the couple, Priyanka and Nick have a great repo with their in-laws as well. You can clearly see her bond with her mother-in-law, Denise Jonas, and other family members. If you are confused about how to build such a strong relationship with your in-laws, here are some great tips for you. You can take some clues from Priyanka Chopra and develop a friendly relation with your in-laws. Here some tips for all the newlyweds to develop a strong relationship with your in-laws.

  • Start with accepting the fact that they are your family now. Your husband grew up with this family and you have to spend the rest of your life with them. Do not consider it as a task and try to mix up with the family. Once you will start developing a family feeling for them it would become easier for you at the first stage itself.
  • You should try to communicate with them as much as possible. Now, this can be done even before marriage. You can talk to your in-laws on a regular basis before your marriage which will help you understand them better. If you develop a connection with them beforehand then it will become easier for you to communicate with them after marriage. Try to always keep a smile on your face when you start a conversation.
  • Try to stay humble as much as possible. You need to suppress your ego in many situations. Sometimes you might not be wrong but you have to listen to their point as well. Also, do not expect everyone to come to you first. You should start the conversation first which will also make them realize how humble you are.
  • If you are addicted to your smartphones then you must change your phone habits after marriage. If you are too indulged in your mobile phone then it will lead to ignorance of the responsibilities you have towards your in-laws. Show that you are attentive in the conversation or while dinner. You can check your phones once you get some free time.
  • After some days you must volunteer to do small jobs. You can help them in the kitchen or cleaning the house. Try to volunteer by yourself. You should show a helpful nature.
  • The relation with in-laws is very sensitive. You should mind your words before you say anything. Do not speak with anger or frustration with them. If you face any problem then you must try to convey your message politely. Your in-laws have a lot of expectations from you as well. Do not shout at them, try to be polite as much as you can. If you face any problem try to talk to your husband freely. This will make the whole communication process easy.
  • Try to seek your in-laws’ advice whenever possible. If you want to start something new or do something for the first time then try to seek advice from your in-laws. It will make them realise how important they are for you. It will also show your respect towards them.
  • Just like elders, it is equally important to communicate with the kids in the house. If there are kids in the house you should try to talk to them as well. Try to listen to their feelings and emotions. Understand their demands and then act accordingly. It will show how responsible you are.

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