5 Home Remedies To Beat The Summer Tanning

Suntan is a sign that indicates that the skin is damaged by the by UV rays. So, here are 5 home remedies that will help you get rid of the tan quickly

Tanya Srivastava
Written by: Tanya SrivastavaUpdated at: Apr 24, 2022 13:30 IST
5 Home Remedies To Beat The Summer Tanning

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

Summers are here and along with the overbearing heat and humidity, it also bring to you a tanned skin. Sun tan makes the skin go patchy and pale, taking away the natural glow. Exposure to the sun not only tans the skin but also causes skin problems like dark spots, hyper pigmentation and/or even sunburn.

What Is Sun Tan?

When the skin pigment (melanin) increases in the skin after a prolonged or continuous exposure to the sun, it leads to a darkening effect known as tanning/tan. This is a natural defense process of our body when it is exposed to sunlight. It prevents the skin from sun. The melanin from melanomas is transferred to ratiocinates, which is the surface skin cells and as a protective mechanism, the melanin pigment blocks the UV radiation from further cell damage. The melanin is piled on top of the cell’s nucleus, like an umbrella therefore, exposing the body with visible tan.

sun tan

Read more: Papaya, Honey, Turmeric Are Some Kitchen Hacks That Can Remove Tan Naturally

Long-term Risks of Sun Tanning

Prolonged exposure to UV rays can be a cause of skin cancers, basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. Such cancers usually occur on the type of skin that has been damaged by years of sun exposure. There is also risk of melanoma which is considered as one of the most dangerous type of skin cancers.

UV rays increases the risk of premature skin aging and the risk of eye problems viz-a-viz cataracts, macular degeneration, and corneal damage.

Suntan is a sign that indicates that the skin is damaged by the by ultraviolet (UV) rays and needs immediate care. You can go to a dermatologist and fade away the tan but it can be a little overwhelming for your pocket. So, here are a few home remedies that will help you get rid of the tanning quickly. 

Home Remedies to Beat Summer Tan

Lemon juice

Lemon juice has bleaching properties which helps in removing tan easily and quickly. Take a fresh lemon, squeeze out its juice, add some honey to it, mix well and apply on your clean face/skin. Sugar can also be added to the lemon juice to enhance its effect. This will act as a scrub and rub through your skin gently to slough off dead cells from the surface. Let it stay there for 30 minutes and wash off with cold water.



Curd is another age-old secret to remove tan. Curd and other similar dairy products are known for their skin lightening and whitening properties. They lighten the skin tone reversing the effects of tanning.  Spread curd on the face evenly and leave it on for about half an hour. Wash it off gently and notice the results instantly. Curd acts as a natural moisturizer, hence, this at home face mask also moisturizes your skin. However, this is advisable to use if only you have predominantly dry and/or mixed skin type. Else, it will make your skin more oily.


Except for its sweetening properties, honey is also beneficial for the skin in many ways. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which caters in allowing the face and body to regain its original complexion effectively. This is why honey is often used as one of the key ingredients in summer face packs. Honey when mixed with yogurt and left on the face to dry acts as an agent which once gently removed yields nourished, lightened, glowing skin.

Read more: Learn To Take Care Of The Skin Without Skincare Products


Tomatoes too have natural bleaching agents which help in fading away the tanned layer from your skin. Not only it provides sheer glow but also radiates the skin naturally. To use this, you can make some tomatoes, grind the pulp in a form of puree and apply it directly on the skin or cut small slices or mash tomatoes and rub it over the tanned areas. Keep this on for 15 minutes, and then rinse your skin with cold water to see instant effects.


Cucumbers are 96% water.  It acts as a coolant, providing the required relief from the summer heat giving relief from irritation and pain of sunburn. Simply cut a few slices of cucumber, spread it all over your face and rub off the juice before rinsing the face or body with cold water. Raw cucumbers when directly put on closed eyes also soothes the eyes and helps with dark circles.


Other Prerequisites Before You Enter The Sun

  • Wear SPF 30 or more and apply it 15 minutes before going outside.
  • Drink enough water
  • Eat summer fruits and vegetables
  • Wear protective clothing
  • Wear sunglasses that filter UV light