Strength Training Trumps Cardio for Fat Loss and Blood Sugar Control, Study Reveals

Research shows strength training leads to better fat loss, muscle gain, and stable blood sugar levels in diabetics. Read on.

Tanya Srivastava
Written by: Tanya SrivastavaUpdated at: Oct 26, 2023 18:23 IST
Strength Training Trumps Cardio for Fat Loss and Blood Sugar Control, Study Reveals

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

In a groundbreaking study conducted by researchers at Stanford University, strength training emerges as the superior method for fat loss and blood sugar management, outperforming cardio and a combination of both. The study, published in Diabetologia, involved nearly 200 individuals diagnosed with type 2 diabetes participating in a nine-month exercise regimen.

Contrary to popular belief, the research found that those engaging in strength training exercises, such as shoulder presses and leg presses three times a week, experienced remarkable progress. Not only did they lose fat and gain muscle, but they also maintained more consistent blood sugar levels compared to their counterparts utilising cardio equipment like treadmills and ellipticals.

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Furthermore, the study debunked the myth that strength training and muscle building lead to weight gain. Participants found themselves leaner and healthier, even if the number on the scale increased. Boyd encouraged people to focus on the overall transformation in their bodies rather than fixating on the numerical value on the scale.

This research not only challenges conventional fitness wisdom but also underscores the vital role of strength training in promoting long-term health, fitness, and stable blood sugar levels, particularly in individuals with type 2 diabetes. As experts suggest, combining strength training with cardio exercises can provide a holistic approach to overall well-being, ensuring not only strong muscles but also healthy lungs and heart, essential for a long and vibrant life.
