Article in tunnel 41 Workers Rescued From Tunnel: Know About Fear Of Closed Space Or Claustrophobia Claustrophobia is considered a fear of enclosed spaces. Read on to know more about this mental health condition. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: How Manual Exercises Can Help Manage The Pain When the carpal tunnel becomes narrowed or inflamed, it can put pressure on the median nerve, leading to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS). Experiencing Numbness In Your Hands? It May Mean Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a compression of one of the major nerves near the wrist. Read to know about its causes and treatment. Thumb And Wrist Pain Have Several Causes: Here’s All You Need To Know Have you ever felt a tingling or pain sensation in your wrist or thumb? If yes, continue reading this article to understand its causes. Weak Hands May Mean Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Here’s What To Look Out For If you experience pain and weakness in your hands and wrists, get yourself medically examined for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. क्या आपको भी होता है कार्पल टनल सिंड्रोम? जानें इससे राहत पाने के 5 उपाय कार्पल टनल सिंड्रोम होने पर उंगलियों और कलाई में दर्द होता है। इस समस्या से कुछ घरेलू उपायों की मदद से बचा जा सकता है। People With Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Are At Risk of Migraine, Finds Study If you have carpal tunnel syndrome or any nerve compression issue, you are predisposed to migraine. Read the study here. कार्पल टनल सिंड्रोम की समस्या क्यों होती है? जानें इसके लक्षण और बचाव के उपाय कार्पल टनल सिंड्रोम की समस्या में कलाई और उंगलियों में गंभीर दर्द और झुनझुनी हो सकती है, जानें इसके लक्षण, कारण और बचाव। हाथाें में है दर्द या झनझनाहट? कार्पल टनल सिंड्रोम से छुटकारा पाने के लिए राेज करें ये 4 एक्सरसाइज अगर आप लंबे समय तक टाइपिंग करते हैं, ताे आपकाे कार्पल टनल सिंड्राेम की समस्या हाे सकती है। ऐसे में आपकाे राेजाना कुछ एक्सरसाइज करने जरूरी हाेते हैं। 6 Exercises to Overcome Carpel Tunnel Syndrome Carpel Tunnel Syndrome occurs because excess pressure on tendons between the wrist. Do these exercises to prevent this Syndrome. MORE FOR YOU World AIDS Day: United Nations Say It Is Still Possible To End AIDS by 2030: Here's How 30% Of Postmenopausal Women Have Osteoporosis, Reveals Study: Here Are Preventive Measures To Combat It Study Reveals How Poor Oral Health Can Increase Your Risk Of Diabetes World AIDS Day 2023: How HIV Can Be Prevented From Developing Into AIDS Workplace Eye Wellness: Dry Eye Disease Can Impact Productivity At Work, Know Coping Tips From Expert 20 years of Kal Ho Na Ho: 5 Mental Health Lessons The Movie Teaches Us