Why You’re Not Getting Pregnant? Here Are 8 Reasons for Female Infertility

If you are trying to conceive but not getting results, you must check for these risk factors for female infertility.

Chanchal Sengar
Written by: Chanchal SengarUpdated at: Jan 14, 2022 13:22 IST
Why You’re Not Getting Pregnant? Here Are 8 Reasons for Female Infertility

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

Can’t conceive after trying for several months? There can be numerous reasons that can be attributed to the issue including hormonal changes, ovulation issues, irregular menstrual cycles to name a few. Several causes can lead to infertility among females. The reason is difficult to diagnose, but several treatments are available today to improve fertility. Why not getting pregnant could be infertility and so, it is important to know the reasons and get treated. Scroll down as Dr. Pallavi Prasad, Fertility Consultant at Nova IVF Fertility, Bengaluru explains possible female infertility causes.

Not getting pregnant reasons

1. Infertility with age

As soon as women turn 35, their fertility potential starts decreasing, which makes it hard to conceive. With age, the quality and quantity of eggs start degrading, causing infertility. Ageing also increases the risks of miscarriage, stillbirth and chromosomal abnormalities in babies.

Infertility with age

2. Blockage in fallopian tubes

The process of fertilization, i.e., when the egg meets sperm, takes place in fallopian tubes. If there is fallopian tube blockage or tubes are not working properly due to blockage, you won’t be able to get pregnant. The tubes can be damaged due to endometriosis or pelvic infections. Due to this, the sperm will not reach the egg and implant in the uterus, causing infertility.

3. Anovulation

If you are not ovulating during every cycle, you won’t get pregnant. Anovulation prevents the egg to release from the ovaries, which causes infertility. There are several reasons for not ovulating, like PCOS. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS leads to irregular periods, preventing ovulation. 

Also Read: What Is Ovulation Bleeding? Know About This Condition From Gynaecologist

Other issues like Hypothalamic dysfunction and premature ovarian failure can also cause infertility among women. 

4. Endometriosis


Endometriosis is a condition in which the tissue lining the uterus grows outside it. Many women with this condition are not able to get pregnant. The extra growth can lead to scarring, which causes blockage in the fallopian tubes. Endometrioma of ovaries reduce ovarian reserve.

5. Underlying medical issues

Underlying health issues like diabetes, autoimmune disorders,  undiagnosed STDs can also cause infertility. Some prescribed medications for certain diseases can also impact fertility. It is better to get tested for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) before conceiving. 

6. Cervical and uterine issues

Not getting pregnant reasons

Issues like fibroids and polyps can block fallopian tubes or prevent implantation among women. Other problems related to the uterus, like the unusual shape of the uterus, can make it hard to get pregnant. 

Sometimes the sperm cannot travel through the cervical canal. Infertility is also possible among women who have a malformed or damaged cervix.

Also Read: Contraceptives Cause Infertility Is A Myth? Find More Myths and Facts About Birth Control Methods

7. Male infertility

As it takes two to conceive, there are chances that your partner might have some underlying problems which can make him infertile. Male infertility remains undiagnosed most of the time as the symptoms are not visible. Due to some underlying issues, the production and quality of the sperms can be affected. This can lead to infertility issues among couples. 

8. Unexplained infertility

In many cases, the reason behind infertility is hard to find which is called unexplained infertility. Several minor factors among both men and women can lead to infertility. This is why many couples do not get any answers for their inability to conceive. However, you should not wait instead, seek medical advice and treatment to improve fertility. 

Other risk factors for female infertility

There are many other factors that can put you at the risk of infertility like:

  • Smoking and alcohol
  • Body Mass Index or BMI (Being overweight or underweight)
  • Unprotected sex with many partners leading to STIs
risk factors for female infertility

What to do?

If you face difficulties in getting pregnant, seek medical advice from a fertility expert who can advise you on a suitable treatment. People generally make a mistake by “waiting” for too long to get pregnant. Waiting can make the issue even worse and might take away all your chances of getting pregnant at all. Therefore, as soon as you find out about the issue, go to a doctor. There are fertility treatments and assisted reproductive technologies (ART) that can help you conceive. 

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