Valentine Special: Planning To Propose Your Love This V-Day? Avoid These Proposal Mistakes

If you are planning to propose your love this Valentine’s day, here are some mistakes that you must avoid.

Chanchal Sengar
Written by: Chanchal SengarUpdated at: Feb 02, 2020 09:30 IST
Valentine Special: Planning To Propose Your Love This V-Day? Avoid These Proposal Mistakes

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

Finding a partner is easy but proposing him/her for marriage is difficult. A lot of planning goes into making the proposal day special for your special one. You’d definitely want to make it something beyond imagination. There are endless proposal ideas that you can get from the Internet from planning a candlelight date at the beachside to proposing on a private yacht. A romantic posture à la Shahrukh Khan is not enough to make her say a ‘YES’. There are some proposal mistakes that a lot of people commit which converts the ‘Yes’ to a big ‘NO’.

Surprise proposal

While most girls want their man to plan a grand surprise proposal for them, there are some exceptions too. Handling a surprise isn’t everyone's cup of tea. Instead of getting surprised and gaiety, they might get shocked and irritated. This mostly happens when the other person is not really keen to take this relationship forward. Therefore, it is better that you plan a surprise only when you are 200% sure about your partner’s feelings.

surprise proposal

Proposing in a public place

Recently, a lot of videos surfaced online where people are seen taking or inviting their partners to a public/ crowded place and then suddenly popping the big question. Amidst the audience hooting and cheering, some people get overwhelmed while some get find this embarrassing and insulting.

You must keep your partner’s take on such a situation in mind and then proceed. This would prevent you from the humiliation that you’ll get if your partner walks away from the spot without answering. People love drama and it won’t take minutes for them to viral your ‘Proposal Rejection’ video on the Internet.

Also Read: Modern-day Date Night Ideas For Valentines Day

proposing in public

Proposing too early

Sometimes people get over-excited about taking the relationship to the next level in the initial phase only. Similarly, there are people who are too quick to propose and express their love for the other person. This is definitely going to be a disaster. It is always best to first know the person, their likes/dislikes, hobbies, favorites, etc. Understand them before exposing your feeling and emotions to them. Early proposals have higher chances of rejection.

Also Read: Signs That Your Girlfriend Loves You Even If She Doesn’t Say It Often

Proposing too late

If the early proposal is disastrous, delayed proposals are no less. Taking too long to propose your partner is a mistake that you need to avoid. Knowing someone is important but that doesn’t mean that you are taking years to pop the big question. The other person might presume this to be your disinterest or unwillingness to take the relationship forward. Would you want your partner to think that or you just want to take things ahead by proposing on time, the choice is yours.


Kissing while proposing

Well, we see people kissing each other after a proposal but that isn’t necessary. Any kind of inappropriate physical contact needs to be avoided during or after proposing. This moment is all about cherishing your emotions. Keep other things like hug or kiss for later. Though, you may if your partner is willing to do so.

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