8 Effective Home Remedies For Open Wound Care

Open wound care is important as it can get severe and lead to major infection. Here are some home remedies that can help. Read on.

Home Remedies BY Navya Kharbanda / 2022-03-22T19:05:48+5:30

Home remedies to treat open wound

Open wounds can be more painful and problematic as compared to minor cuts. Basically, an open wound or cut exposes your body and makes the external bacteria enter with no protection from the skin or the white blood cells that fight infections. In many cases, antibiotics and ointments might not be the best idea. There are certain natural ingredients that can help in such situations. Keep reading to know about useful home remedies to treat an open wound. 


Garlic is an extremely effective home remedy to treat an open wound. It contains beneficial anti-microbial and antibiotic properties that can immediately help in stopping bleeding, minimising pain and quickening the healing process. Additionally, garlic has the power to boost body's natural defences to fight infection. If the wound is still bleeding, then you can apply 2-3 crushed garlic cloves over it.

Aloe vera

One of the best natural ways for open wound care is aloe vera. This magical remedy has anti inflammatory and analgesic soothing properties present in it that can improve the healing process. Aloe vera gel contains phytochemicals that reduces the pain and inflammation. You can open one aloe vera leaf and extract the gel from it. Apply this gel on the open wound and let it dry for a few minutes. Clean the affected area using warm water and let it dry with a clean towel. 


Turmeric contains natural antiseptic and antibiotic properties that are even used for medicinal purposes. According to a study published in the journal Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, the compound curcumin in turmeric helps in improving the wound healing process by modulating collagen production. If the wound is still bleeding, then apply turmeric on it to stop the bleeding instantly. You can also drink a glass of turmeric milk at night before sleeping. 


A famous hydrating and healing natural ingredient is honey. It is known as one of the best home remedies for cuts on the tongue. Honey is also helpful for medicinal uses. Honey contains antifungal, antibacterial, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. It can act as an antiseptic agent for open wounds by dehydrating and killing bacteria around the affected area. Honey should be your go to option for treating open wounds. 

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is used for both beauty and healing purposes. You can use 2-3 drops of this essential oil to heal minor cuts and open wounds too. Tea tree oil is loaded with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties and antibacterial properties that can help in providing instant relief from pain. You can apply a drop of tea tree oil on the open wound to heal it quickly. Tea tree oil can also be used to treat cold and cough in a steamer. 


Even cinnamon has strong antibacterial properties that can help heal wounds. Cinnamon has powerful agents to combat infections and reduce inflammation. Cinnamon has beneficial components that can help in reducing  the pain instantly. Moreover, cinnamon is also useful to treat burns and heal the skin by cooling and soothing it. It treats the open wounds quickly and is known for healing. 

Limestone powder

Limestone powder or chuna is also used for natural open wound care. It is usually a part of paan preparation but has healing agents as well. To use limestone powder as a home remedy for treating open wounds, you can mix it in turmeric powder. Make a mixture of both the ingredients and heat it properly. Apply it on the wound and it will heal completely in a matter of time. Limestone powder can be easily found in markets and stores online just like other ingredients.  


Onion is also full of anti-microbial properties known as allicin that protects the wound against infection. Form a smooth paste by blending onion and honey together. Apply it directly on the wound to improve healing process. These are easily accessible and affordable ingredients that are not only effective for open wound care but also help in complete healing. You have to apply the mixture daily after every few hours to get the best results.  

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