Want To Prevent Vomiting? Try These 8 Effective Natural Ways

There are chances you can get even more sick after vomiting. Therefore, here are some effective natural ways to prevent it.

Navya Kharbanda
Written by:Navya KharbandaPublished at: Mar 09, 2022

Natural ways to prevent vomiting

Natural ways to prevent vomiting

Most of the times, food poisoning, stomach flu, gastrointestinal infections and fever become difficult to avoid. You cannot always estimate the freshness and cleanliness of food available at various places. Bacteria and other germs that cannot be seen by the naked eye may act as a trigger for symptoms that lead to uneasiness in the stomach and could result in vomiting. Usually, vomiting is not under your control as it is a reflex action. Thus, keep reading to know about some effective natural ways to prevent vomiting.



A famous home remedy for nausea is peppermint and it is scientifically proven that it can comfort our upset stomach. In peppermint menthol is the key element that helps us calm the stomach, and relaxes our cramps and nausea. For intake of peppermint you can sniff peppermint essential oil or you can try peppermint tea. Just the scent of peppermint can help in healing nausea. People with gastroesophageal reflux or acid reflux disease are suggested not to do ingesting.



Another effective natural way to prevent vomiting is ginger. Crush a piece of ginger and add it in a glass of water. Add one teaspoon of honey to this and sip it the entire day. Ginger has qualities that can ease the irritation of the stomach and bring instant relief. Another beneficial way of having ginger is by making a cup of fresh ginger tea. Add one teaspoon of freshly crushed ginger root to one cup of boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes, and strain before drinking.

Sitting up

 Sitting up

It is advised that you should not lay down if you’re feeling nauseated because this can lead to more worse symptoms. You should sit straight upright as it keeps stomach contents lower in your belly, it observed that lying on your back can cause vomiting. But if you are in a situation where you have to lie down you can prop your torso up on some pillows. Experts says that your upset stomach can be eased if you lie on your left side.



Placing a few pieces of cloves in your mouth and keeping sucking on them for a while. The fragrance and taste of cloves can provide an instant break on vomiting. It can bring a change in your bland and changing taste buds as well. It helps in minimising the sensitivity of your mouth. You can even have clove tea to avoid vomiting. Just take one cup of boiling water along with one teaspoon of cloves. Steep for around 10 minutes and strain it out before drinking.

Sugar and salt

Sugar and salt

As you may know, vomiting can cause an imbalance in the levels of salts in your body, which can be sodium, potassium, etc. Therefore, drinking a mixture of sugar and salt dissolved in water can restore these levels back to  the normal range for proper functioning of the body. This sugar salt solution will not allow the body to get hydrated but will also prevent weakness in your body. It acts as a natural electrol for your body.

Orange juice

Orange juice

Home made and not market bought orange juice can replace the lost minerals, vitamins and nutrients of your body quickly. It also has the ability to bring back the the blood pressure levels within the normal range. You can eat oranges as it is or in the form of a fruit salad. The citrus amount of this fruit can help in preventing  the feeling of vomiting. Try resting as it can improve your condition.

Fennel seeds

Fennel seeds

Saunf or also called fennel seeds can act as an effective home remedy to treat nausea and prevent vomiting. Chewing saunf after every few hours can be very effective. It freshens up the taste and breath of your mouth and makes the person feel much better. You can also take fennel tea to prevent vomiting. Just add one teaspoon of fennel seeds to one cup of boiling water. Boil for around 10 minutes and strain it out before drinking.



The neutralizing acids of lemon make bicarbonate compounds in the stomach which help in treating an upset stomach and nausea. Just mix a few drops of lemon juice and add a pinch of salt in a glass of warm water and take a few sips. The tangy flavor can help in distracting your mind from the undigested food in your belly. If you add lemon in your drink, then the aroma od a lemon also works just as well.
