8 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Lower Back Pain

Back pain can be treated using various natural treatments. Check out these effective home remedies to get rid of lower back pain.

Navya Kharbanda
Written by:Navya KharbandaPublished at: Aug 05, 2021

Home remedies for lower back pain

Home remedies for lower back pain

Back pain is a health problems that can majorly affect your day to day life. Lower back pain can get triggered due to various factors such as bad posture, lack of exercise and stress among others. The pain varies in severity from person to person. There are several home remedies that can help in fighting back ache. Read this article further to know about some effective natural ways to get rid of lower back pain.

Cold or warm compression

Cold or warm compression

Cold or warm compression is one of the most effective home remedies to treat lower back pain. Mostly, ice is used if your back is having inflammation and swelling. A heating pad can help in opening up and relaxing the stiff or tight muscles. Cold or heat therapy should be done for atleast 15-20 minutes at a time. However, you should not use these compressions if you are already applying muscle-ache creams or ointments on your back.



Exercising is another natural way to get relief in back pain. However, it is important to consult your physician before trying any exercises if you are having pain. And, you should also know that all the exercises are not beneficial for fighting lower back pain. There are many exercises that can be helpful in getting rid of lower back pain. Partial crunches can straighten your weight without too much pressure. Walking slowly can also prove to be successful in such cases.

Wear better fitting shoes

Wear better fitting shoes

Wearing the right fitting shoes also plays an important role in the severity of your lower back pain. High heels can cause major back problems. But, simply wearing flat shoes can also become a factor if they are not correct sized. Proper arch support and cushioning of the foot is important to manage back pain. If the footwear is too tight, it will cause difficulty in walking, thus putting stress on the back.

Reduce stress

 Reduce stress

Too much stress can lead to muscle tension and spasms with severe pain, including your lower back. Meditation and yoga are two useful techniques to reduces stress, which will further relief lower back pain. Managing stress can help in relaxing your mind and muscles as well. You can talk to a doctor for stress busting techniques to get rid of back pain.



Along with certain exercises, stretching is also an effective natural way to get rid of lower back pain. The yogasan called child's pose and knee to chest stretch can relieve lower back problems. Just twist your spine gently while sitting on a chair and it will help in improving your movement. Other exercises that might work in reducing lower back pain are cat cow pose and Cobra pose.

Take enough sleep

Take enough sleep

According to researches, a disturbed sleeping pattern can trigger and make your pain worse. Taking enough and proper sleep is important to heal lower back pain and to maintain overall health. One also needs to take care of the right sized, comfortable pillows and mattresses. So, sleeping for atleast 7-8 hours daily at night is a helpful natural way to get rid of lower back pain.



Gently massaging a sore or tight muscle can help in opening up your body and alleviating the lower back pain. According to a study, massage therapy provides many benefits such as reducing back pain and improving back function. You can ask a friend or your partner for getting a back massage. And, there are many experts who can give relaxing massages using essential oils.

Epsom salt bath

Epsom salt bath

Epsom salt or magnesium sulfate can heal sore and tight muscles. Staying in an Epsom salt bath for atleast 15-20 minutes can help in straightening lower back muscles, especially after exercise. The epsom salt water should be warm as too hot water can cause muscle swelling and cold water can cause muscle cramps. In addition, this type of salt is good for your skin. It can exfoliate your skin cells and reduce itchiness.
