Try These 9 Natural Ways To Flush Out Toxins From The Body

There are several natural ways to flush toxins from the body and detoxify. Check them out.

Navya Kharbanda
Written by:Navya KharbandaPublished at: Aug 06, 2021

Natural ways to flush toxins from the body

Natural ways to flush toxins from the body

For detoxification, one needs to take proper rest and nourish the body both internally and externally. It includes removing and eliminating toxins from the body and then feeding it with healthy nutrients. The removal of toxins from the body helps in preventing diseases and maintaining good health. You can make certain diet and lifestyle moderations to cleanse the body. Keep reading to know about some natural ways to flush out toxins from the body.



Exercising leads to sweating and sweating helps in eliminating toxins from the skin. Sweating us an effective natural way to detoxify your body. You can engage in regular physical activity to flush out toxins from the body. In addition, exercise can keep your fit and healthy. It is best to take the help from a fitness expert for strength training and cardio.

Drink plenty of water

Drink plenty of water

Drinking plenty of water is also important to get rid of toxins and cleanse the body. Along with water, there are many other fluids that can help in flushing out toxins such as homemade fruit juices, lemon water and coconut water. You can make it a rule to consume lemon water in the morning daily. Drinking enough fluids will keep all the organs of your body healthy and away from harmful toxins.

Probiotics and prebiotics

Probiotics and prebiotics

Another natural way to cleanse your body is by having good bacteria probiotic and prebiotic foods. Bananas, onion, bread, yogurt and pickles should surely be included in your diet. These foods play a vital role in promoting gut health and clearing the colon. According to a research, probiotics and prebiotics have the ability to combat a good amount of toxins and can improve nutrient absorption in the body.



Instead of having heavy meals during the day, try consuming only fruits, vegetables and fluids for a day or two in a week. This fasting will give your digestive system a break and help your body in rejuvenation. Fruits and vegetables get digested quickly and help in getting rid of toxins. Additionally, you will feel light and healthy towards the end of the day. Do not fast and give up on food completely. Keep eating fruits and veggies on regular intervals.

Get enough sleep

Get enough sleep

A full body detox requires taking proper sleep along with dietary changes. Your brain keeps working and flushes out toxins from the body even when you are asleep. It is important to put your mind and body at rest for this purpose. If you take 8-9 hours of deep sleep daily, it will help in getting rid of harmful toxins naturally and effectively than many other home remedies.



Tea is full of antioxidants, which helps in reducing cell damage. It can keep you hydrated, which further helps to flush toxins out of the body. In such situations, it is best to consume green tea, atleast twice a day. It is rich in antioxidants and has an excellent taste. But, black tea is also a good option as it provides many other added benefits. For effective results, drink atleast two cups of tea in a day.

Decrease salt intake

Decrease salt intake

Consuming too much salt can lead to excess fluid retention. The fluid buildup can result in bloating and if you think that you are consuming too much salt, then you can detox your body of the extra water weight. Therefore, it is important to decrease salt consumption to flush toxins out of the body. And, you should also reduce the intake of sugar and processed foods and eat anti inflammatory rich foods instead.

Avoid alcohol

Avoid alcohol

Too much alcohol consumption can severely damage your liver and hinder with its functioning causing fat buildup and inflammation. When this happens, the liver is not able to function properly and perform its important tasks like eliminating waste and other toxins from the body. Therefore, avoiding alcohol is one of the best natural ways to detoxify and flush out toxins from your body.

Green vegetables

Green vegetables

You can flush out toxins from your body by consuming green leafy vegetables. Green veggies like spinach, brussels sprouts, asparagus, kale, collard greens, leeks and peas can be taken everyday. These are good sources of the compound chlorophyll which helps in cleansing the intestines and improving colon function. There are various ways to incorporate vegetables in your diet, including vegetable sandwich, juice, lasagna, salad, soups and curry.
