8 Natural Tips To Maintain Your Skin If You Have Diabetes

Diabetes can affect you in many ways, including an impact on the skin. Here are natural skin care tips for diabetes patients.

Navya Kharbanda
Written by:Navya KharbandaPublished at: Feb 25, 2022

Skin care tips for diabetes patients

Skin care tips for diabetes patients

It is a known fact that diabetes can cause several ill effects on the kidneys, heart, eyes, blood vessels, and nerves, but this condition can also affect the skin in some cases. But, changes with the skin are usually the first symptom of abnormal blood sugar levels, and is a common complaint of people living with diabetes. A number of skin care tips can help in maintaining the skin naturally in diabetes patients. 

Manage blood sugar

 Manage blood sugar

High blood sugar levels can dangerous be dangerous for several reasons, but it can also make your skin feel dry, and an easy target of cracking and breaking. This opens the door to infections. And if you do get an infection, high blood sugar makes the infection harder to fight. Therefore, the first thing to keep in mind to avoid all diabetes related problems, including skin is to keep the blood sugar levels controlled. 

Moisturize regularly

Moisturize regularly

Keeping your skin moisturized and hydrated can help in preventing itching and thickening of the skin. For type 2 diabetes, skin care is important in order to prevent cracks and ulcers on the skin, especially if you have diabetic neuropathy. Cracks make a way for bacteria and other germs to enter and lead to an untreatable infection. Thus, it is advised by experts to moisturize frequently, especially during winters. 

Drink plenty of water

Drink plenty of water

Drinking water and any other natural beverages without sugar or caffeine, can also help in keeping the skin healthy and hydrated. You should surely not wait until you feel thirsty to drink water, as that means you were already dehydrated, and being dehydrated can trigger vasopressin production in the body, a hormone that makes the liver produce more glucose. Try and drink atleast 8-10 glasses of water in a day. 

Don't use harsh cleansers

Don't use harsh cleansers

Prefer using gentle soaps as harsh ones can make your skin extremely dry and sensitive. Mild shampoos or soaps are suggested as they will not cause irritation on your skin. You should also avoid alcoholic products and use unscented instead. Choose ingredients that are not too harsh on the skin if you have type 2 diabetes. Moreover, gentle cleansers can help prevent the skin’s natural oils, thus keeping it hydrated. 

Keep skin clean and dry

 Keep skin clean and dry

Keeping your skin clean dry is one of the best natural ways to prevent diabetic skin problems. However, keeping certain areas of the skin moist is also a matter of concern for diabetics. By keeping the skin dry, you should make sure that the darker and warmer areas including under arms and between the toes are dry. Keeping these areas dry and clean can also help in the prevention of fungal and yeast infections. 

Treat injuries immediately

Treat injuries immediately

Ignoring small wounds and injuries would be a huge mistake if you are suffering from diabetes. Do not neglect as this can slow down healing and cause severe infection. Carefully clean any wound or cut with clean water and a cleanser gently. If it is not healing and becoming tender or warm, it is advised to talk to your doctor. Treat injuries as soon as possible, especially if you have type 2 diabetes. 

Keep a foot check

Keep a foot check

The feet of diabetes patients vulnerable to issues. It is extremely important to do daily foot checks to make sure that there are no blisters, small cuts on the feet or other areas of the skin. Diabetics might also get nerve damage, specifically in the feet, making it difficult to feel heat or pain, and the poor blood circulation can make healing process of injuries very slow. You can use diabetic socks to reduce such socks. 

Eat fruits and vegetables

Eat fruits and vegetables

Essential vitamins for healthy skin include Vitamin, A, C, E, D, K, niacin, pantothenic acid, choline, & folic acid. Diabetics should ensure the intake of a healthy diet loaded with green leafy vegetables, healthy fats, and lean protein. The rich sources of most of these important vitamins are fruits and vegetables, thereby talk with your doctor about what fruits are safe to eat.  You can eat various berries as it will not spike the blood glucose levels.
