Do You Have Weak Bones? Here Are 8 Natural Remedies To Strengthen Them

There are many natural ways that can help in strengthening weak bones. Read on to know more.

Navya Kharbanda
Written by:Navya KharbandaPublished at: Oct 11, 2021

Natural remedies to strengthen weak bones

Natural remedies to strengthen weak bones

Having healthy bones is vital for movement and survival in life. Some vitamins and minerals should be induced into your bones during childhood, teenage or early adulthood. It is not possible to prevent each accident, but strengthening your bones helps in lowering the risk of fractures and other severe injuries. When your bones are not strong, it is difficult for them to go through slips and falls. Many diet and lifestyle habits can help you build strong bones. Read further to know about some natural remedies to strengthen weak bones.



There are certain exercises that can stimulate bone formation and slow down age related bone loss. You can do various forms of exercises daily, including walking, running, climbing stairs and jogging. This will help in strengthening your bones effectively and naturally. However, if you are already suffering from any bone related issues, it is best to consult your doctor before engaging yourself in any sort of exercise.



According to a 2015 study published in the journal of the American Geriatrics Society, it was concluded that both men and women over the age of 50 years old, who sleep less than six hours a night had a comparatively higher risk of developing osteoporosis. Most of the adults should take atleast 7-8 hours of sleep to be fresh and maintain good bone health. 

High calcium foods

High calcium foods

Calcium rich foods are essential for good bone health and strengthening them more than ever. These foods include cheese, yogurt, milk and green leafy vegetables. You can include these food items in your daily diet easily. Calcium is a mineral that can heal bone fractures as well as make your bones stronger to prevent them altogether.

Protein rich foods

Protein rich foods

As per a recent research, protein improves  bone density, thus lowering the risk of fractures and other bone related problems. It is especially useful if you are eating plant-based proteins or you can also get it  from meat. There are many other protein rich sources such as yogurt, salmon, tofu, chicken and eggs. You can also take protein shakes after talking to an expert.

Maintain a healthy weight

Maintain a healthy weight

Maintaining a healthy or optimal weight is important for your bones to be able to carry it. A strong skeletal system should be able to handle your weight, but it can be hard if you are already overweight. Too much weight might press against your bones, increasing the risk of developing a fracture or any other injury. But, being underweight can also become an issue as low body weight is a risk factor of osteoporosis.

Enough vitamin D

Enough vitamin D

In order to strengthen your bones, it is important to eat foods that are rich in Vitamin D. Vitamin D plays a major role in making our bones stronger. You should take as much as possible sunlight exposure alongwith supplementation tablets on doctor's prescription, if required. Morning sunlight is a good source of vitamin D and you can also take vitamin D rich foods essential for your bones such as eggs, mushroom, red meat and bananas.

Limit caffeine and sugar intake

Limit caffeine and sugar intake

Limiting sugar and caffeine intake is important to make your bones stronger, thus prevention of bone relation issues such as osteoporosis. You need to avoid the too much consumption of coffee, tea, alcohol, sugary beverages and sweets. On one hand caffeine can trigger calcium loss, while on the other hand, excessive sugar intake can damage bone density and increase the risk of fractures.

Eat more vegetables

Eat more vegetables

Vegetables are good for bone health. They are one of the best sources of vitamin C, which can help in improving the function of bone-forming cells. Moreover, according to a few studies, vitamin C is an antioxidant that effects helps in protecting the bone cells from damage. If you eat vegetables daily, it can also increase your bone density.
