5 Mosquito-borne Illnesses That Are Prevalent In Monsoon

Mosquito-borne illnesses are very common in monsoon as this is the breeding season. Here are five common illnesses.

Chanchal Sengar
Written by: Chanchal SengarUpdated at: Jul 15, 2021 18:21 IST
5 Mosquito-borne Illnesses That Are Prevalent In Monsoon

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

Monsoon is the season of rains and pleasant weather but we should not forget that it is also the season of mosquito-borne illnesses. Since this is the breeding season, mosquitoes are active in their full strength. If you fail to protect yourself, you can easily fall prey to these pesky insects. Mosquito bite and itching that follows is a minor issue, major being the diseases that infected mosquitoes spread. Every year, millions of people suffer from one or the other mosquito-borne illness. In this article, we have listed down 5 such diseases that are common in monsoon.


Malaria is the most common and dangerous disease caused by mosquito bites. Almost 4 lakh people lose their lives due to malaria every year. However, with increased awareness, number of cases have seen a decline. When an infected mosquito bites a healthy person, the person can get infected with malaria. Fever, chills and body ache are prominent signs of malaria. You must get yourself tested if you notice unusual signs and symptoms. Besides, use mosquito nets and repellent solutions during monsoon season to avert the risk of malaria. Since, there is no vaccine for malaria, prevention is the best cure.


Dengue fever

Over the past few years, dengue cases have seen a slight downfall but it hasn’t eradicated completely. Also, India is one of the highest risk areas for dengue fever. The problematic factor is that there is no treatment available for dengues and poor management can lead to death of the patient. Thus, it is very important that we take maximum precautions to precent dengue. Mosquito that causes dengue is different and the symptoms can be seen with hours. As soon as you suspect an infected mosquito bite, get yourself tested and take necessary medical aid.

Also Read: What Is The Difference Between Malaria and Yellow Fever?

Dengue fever

Yellow fever 

Yellow fever is caused by the flavivirus when an infected mosquito with this virus bites a healthy person.  This is more common in Caribbean, African and South American regions. Indians are not exposed to the disease unless they visit the countries with higher risk. Thankfully, a very few cases of yellow fever have been reported in the past years but we should not ignore this. Get yourself vaccinated for yellow fever if you are visiting anu high-risk area to be on the safer side. However, people are advised to get vaccinated for yellow fever before travelling to high-risk areas.


This is also a mosquito-borne disease but more dangerous than the rest as it causes inflammation around the spine that may reach to the brain. This disease travels to the whole body if the patient does not receive treatment on time. In the past few years, cases of encephalitis in India have increased gradually. People who have a weaker immunity are at a greater risk of encephalitis. The initial symptoms include fever, chills, joint pain, muscle pain, fatigue and seizures. 

Also Read: Tips To Keep Yourself Safe From Chikungunya



Lastly, we have chikungunya on this list which is common in India and other parts of Asia. Almost 1 lakh cases of chikungunya are found every year. The mosquito spreading chikungunya breeds above 29 degrees temperature which is around the beginning of monsoon season. The initial symtoms are headachem fever, nausea and joint pain. Thus, we need to be cautious as the monsoon begins to stay protective against this illness.

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All images source- freepik.com
