New Study Suggests Morning Workouts May Aid Weight Loss

The study revealed that morning exercisers were often older and predominantly white and female, with college degrees and healthier habits overall.

Tanya Srivastava
Written by: Tanya SrivastavaUpdated at: Sep 20, 2023 13:24 IST
New Study Suggests Morning Workouts May Aid Weight Loss

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

A recent study published in the journal Obesity indicates that exercising in the early morning, between 7am and 9am, may promote weight loss. Lead researcher Tongyu Ma from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University found that individuals who engaged in moderate to vigorous exercise in the morning had lower body mass indexes than those who exercised later in the day. However, caution is needed when interpreting these results, as factors beyond exercise timing, such as age and lifestyle, could also play a role.

Morning Workouts May Aid Weight Loss Study

The study analysed data from over 5,200 adults aged 20 and older, using accelerometers to track their activity levels. It revealed that morning exercisers were often older and predominantly white and female, with college degrees and healthier habits overall. They tended to consume fewer calories and spend more time sedentary, but a clinical trial would be needed for more conclusive findings.

Morning Workouts May Aid Weight Loss Study

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While the research is intriguing, experts emphasise that it's not enough to definitively recommend morning exercise for optimal health. Nevertheless, there are valid reasons to consider morning workouts, including some physiological advantages. Experts like Cameron Mitchell and Ross Andersen suggest that morning exercisers often adopt a range of healthy behaviours contributing to their overall well-being.
