Millennial Marriage Trends: Colleague On Matrimony Site! What Is Next?

Kanye West’s “Gold Digger” may have had a more lasting effect on Millennials than anyone previously thought. In the song, which reached peak popularity when the avocado toast-obsessed generation was in high school or college, Wes

Tavishi Dogra
Written by: Tavishi DograUpdated at: Aug 20, 2019 10:10 IST
Millennial Marriage Trends: Colleague On Matrimony Site! What Is Next?

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

With today’s Youth giving all their time and commitment to their profession, their matrimonial quests have taken a backseat. Marriageable ages have increased considerably in the last two decades as the Millennials prefer to establish their careers before thinking of getting married. Consequently, online matrimonials have become their one-stop solutions.

But registering with an online platform comes with its share of challenges and concerns. One of such quirky scenarios is if you happen to find a colleague on such website. If the colleague is not your type, you just ignore and move ahead. But what if you believe that he or she could be the one. The typical Bollywood scene, where one person is in official trouble, and other swoops down to rescue them with their technical skills might be too providential!

Here are a few tips for you if you happen to find yourself in such a dilemma.

Be sure that the colleague matches your basic requirements

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These requirements can range from looks or caste to annual earnings. But before reaching out to the person, remember that any casual approach from your side may affect your official relationship.

Do not use official emails or messenger to pursue the relationship

You keep your professional and personal matters separate. In case things do not work out the way you wanted, you do not want the HR team pouncing on you.

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Approach them directly

It’s important to show seriousness in your approach. It’s always best to reach out to them personally on their desk, tell them that you saw their profile and would like to talk and/ or to meet up after working hours. Suggest a suitable time and place, but don’t expect an immediate response. Give them time to process the situation, go through your profile and get back to you with a suitable response.

Don’t let past ghosts bother you

Office gossips tend to get out of hand. Learn to let go. If you have heard something injudicious about them, and it is bothering you a lot, make sure to talk to them directly about the matter. And don’t let rumors about past relationships get in way of your future. Most of the false news is started by jealous colleagues. You have to be mature about these matters and cautious while bringing it up.

Be discreet

Whatever you do, DO NOT talk about this matter in front of, or with your colleagues. This can amount to workplace harassment and can land you in unnecessary trouble. If things are getting serious between you, discretion becomes even more important, since office gossips can lead to misunderstandings and doubts. Always meet outside the office and don’t show any sort of physical affection during office hours.

(With inputs from Saurabh Goswami, founder of Ultra Rich Match)

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