Lockdown Brings Couple Closer, Claims A Study. 3 Ways How A Relationship Can Be Made Stronger

Lockdown may have kept everyone indoors, but certainly gave couples a chance to rekindle their relationships 

Vani Malik
Written by: Vani MalikUpdated at: May 19, 2020 10:50 IST
Lockdown Brings Couple Closer, Claims A Study. 3 Ways How A Relationship Can Be Made Stronger

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

Lockdown has given an opportunity for everyone to connect with their loved ones. In a recent survey conducted by Lasting From The Knot Worldwide, which is a relationship counselling app, brought into the limelight some soothing numbers that how couples made full use of this time to reconnect with their partners and spouses. The numbers told that 74 per cent of couples cook together, and 70 per cent took technology as a medium to display love. This survey was done as a part of the 'At Home Together' study to understand how coronavirus and the pandemic impacted the couples in the country during the lockdown. This survey had singles, newlyweds and long-married couples. Done in the last two weeks of April 2020, 90 per cent of couples spent substantial time at home, and 40 per cent even mentioned how they are spending around 18 hours a day with their partners. 

Also Read: Make The Most Of This Lockdown With Healthy Dinner Table Discussions For Better Family Bonding

Deep Bond In The Making


Since lockdown, couples said that 46 per cent of the participants adapted to healthier habits, 40 per cent of them worked on bettering their bond with their partner in terms of understanding and 39 per cent couples divided household responsibilities and even picked hobbies together for bonding. Some also stressed on the need of 'me time' as they said being together does not mean not spending time with oneself. Unmarried participants also had their share. 70 per cent said how they kept in constant touch with their partners with the help of technology. Dhanusha Sivajee, Chief Marketing Officer, The Knot Worldwide stated how the global pandemic gave the much-needed time to Indian couples, which they never got earlier due to work schedules. While the pandemic has out a full stop to various activities but this has undoubtedly made home-time way more accessible for people of all work profiles. 

What makes it essential here is to understand how one can make the most of such times to rekindle the love between partners. Especially for those who forget to pay attention to the little things that partners do for each other. Hence, it is all about how they can effectively make such times memorable. Listed below are three ways by which couples can make their relationship stronger and better during times like these: 

Adapt To Each Other's Liking

Know what makes your partner happy, his/her likings, and what would they like to do in their free time. In any relationship, both partners should equally enjoy what their respective partners would like to do in their free time. This makes the two people more involved in each other's likes and dislikes. For instance, watch any series that your partner likes or video games, or even cook dishes that both would love. This makes bonding much easier for couples of all age groups. 

Divide The Chores 

This times is such that one has to do everything on their own. With no helpers, servants or anyone there to look after the house, it is for each and every couple to share the responsibility and not let one do everything. This enables a couple to learn how to manage things as a team, which is extremely important in any marriage. Also, dividing chores may take the burden off from one person. This certainly reduces the chances of fights that can quickly happen due to fatigue, lack of rest and even lack of communication between partners. 


Also Read: Mental Load Of Unequal Housework: Can This Destroy Relationships?

'Me Time' Is Essential

We get how this time is such when you may be spending the whole day with your partner at home. But, this does not mean that you would want your partner to only be with you, talk to you and be in front of your eyes. In times like these, give your partner some time off from yourself. This is only to understand how a little distance and time out is essential as too much of you can irk your partner. Every human being needs some time to not be around everyone, only to understand how incomplete they would feel if they did not have their partners around. Do not worry. This will only give your partner a reason to come back to you with a big smile and some great ideas to make your bond, better and stronger.

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