From Poor Appetite, Itchy Skin, And Swollen Face, Here Are 10 Lesser Known Signs Of Kidney Dysfunction

You must know these lesser-known signs of kidney dysfunction to enable early detection and intervention in case your kidneys are not functioning.

Ritika Sakhuja
Written by: Ritika SakhujaUpdated at: Oct 22, 2023 16:35 IST
From Poor Appetite, Itchy Skin, And Swollen Face, Here Are 10 Lesser Known Signs Of Kidney Dysfunction

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

Kidneys are our body's cleaners. They play a vital role in filtering waste, toxicities, and excess fluids from our blood, and help us to maintain our overall health. While many people associate kidney issues with common symptoms like abdominal swelling and changes in urine colour, not all kidney malfunctions are easily detected. If kidneys don't function well, it can cause a build-up of waste all over the body, which can exhibit bizarre symptoms.  

As per the Centre For Disease Control And Prevention, 'Kidneys that function properly are critical for maintaining good health. However, more than one in seven American adults are estimated to have chronic kidney disease (CKD).' That is why it is crucial for you to be in tune with your body, and be aware of the lesser-known signs of kidney disorders.

Fatigue and Weakness

Symptoms Of Kidney Disorders

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) can lead to anaemia, resulting in fatigue and overall weakness. The kidneys produce a hormone responsible for red blood cell production. When the kidneys aren't functioning correctly, anaemia can develop, leading to persistent tiredness. 

Changes in Appetite

A decline in kidney function can affect the taste of food and lead to a metallic or ammonia-like taste in the mouth. This happens because poor kidney function prevents waste from being filtered adequately and hence causes a coating of ammonia in the mouth. This can result in appetite changes, including a reduced desire to eat, which can lead to weight loss, weakness, and malnutrition.

Also Read: Kidney Stones: Initial Symptoms To Know If You Have It

Itchy Skin

Kidney dysfunction can cause a buildup of waste products in the bloodstream, which when flows to the upper layers of the skin, gives a sensation of itching and dry skin. This itching often gets more intense at night, which can be a sign of kidney issues.

Changes in Urination Habits

While frequent urination is a known symptom of kidney problems, less commonly recognised signs include changes in urine volume. Reduced urine output or increased nighttime urination can signal kidney dysfunction. In fact, fluctuations in your urinary habits are the first and the most prominent indication that there is something wrong with your kidneys.

High Blood Pressure

Symptoms Of Kidney Disorders

Kidneys play a crucial role in regulating blood pressure by controlling fluid balance and producing hormones. The higher the waste in your blood, the harder it will be for your heart to pump it, and hence increase your blood pressure. Hence, unexplained hypertension can also be a sign of underlying kidney issues.

Breath Odor and Metallic Taste

The bad taste in your mouth as a result of ammonia build up, also can lead to bad breath. So if you or someone close to you has a metallic-smelling breath, it could be a sign that it's being caused due to kidney malfunction. 

Swelling Around the Eyes

Swelling around the eyes, particularly in the morning when you wake up, can be a sign of kidney problems. When the kidneys are not functioning optimally, they may not remove excess fluid as efficiently during sleep, leading to fluid retention in the morning.

Muscle Cramps and Twitching

Symptoms Of Kidney Disorders

Imbalances in electrolytes like potassium and calcium, which often happens due to kidney malfunction, can result in muscle cramps, spasms, or twitching. Pay attention to unexplained muscle discomfort, and soreness.

Mental Fog and Difficulty Concentrating

Kidney dysfunction-related buildup of toxins in the bloodstream also causes deposits in the brain or the blood that flows through the brain nerves. This can affect cognitive function and lead to mental fog, difficulty concentrating, or poor memory.

Also Read: Kidney Infections: How To Know If You Have It

Unexplained Weight Gain

Fluid retention due to kidney problems can lead to unexplained weight gain. If you notice sudden and unexplained increases in weight, consult a healthcare professional.

The reason why you must know these lesser-known signs of kidney dysfunction is to enable early detection and intervention in case your kidneys are not functioning properly. If you experience any of these symptoms persistently, consult a healthcare provider timely. Our kidneys keep us from bearing the brunt of the level of toxic and harmful substances we consume every day, by clearing these waste products from our bloodstream and dispelling them out of our body. That is why ensuring the health of your kidney is crucial as its dysfunction can open you up to a plethora of diseases.
