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Breast Cancer During Pregnancy: Expert Warns Against Ignoring Breast Lumps, Shares Ways To Treat It Safely

In an interview with Onlymyhealth, Dr Rohan Khandelwal discusses diagnostic and treatment approaches for breast cancer detected during pregnancy

Tenzin Chodon
Written by: Tenzin ChodonUpdated at: Oct 13, 2023 12:14 IST
Breast Cancer During Pregnancy: Expert Warns Against Ignoring Breast Lumps, Shares Ways To Treat It Safely

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

Pregnancy is one of the biggest milestones in a woman’s life. It brings about several emotional and mental changes accompanied by a storm of physical challenges, hormonal fluctuations, and general discomfort. A cancer diagnosis can add to the already-existing distress and overall well-being of the expectant mother. 

According to Cancer.Net, breast cancer is the most common cancer found during pregnancy and affects about 1 in 3,000 women who are pregnant. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) says that breast cancer mostly occurs in women aged 32-38 years and because so many women are choosing to delay having children, it is possible that the number of new breast cancer cases during pregnancy will increase.

So what are the things women or pregnant ladies should know about breast cancer risk, diagnosis, and treatment during pregnancy? In an interaction with the OnlyMyHealth team, Dr Rohan Khandelwal, Lead Consultant-The Breast Centre, CK Birla Hospital, Gurugram, answers. 

Also Read: Breast Size Doesn’t Increase Breast Cancer Risk: Here’s What Does As Per A Breast Cancer Expert

Understanding Breast Cancer And Its Common Symptoms

Breast cancer is a condition in which cells in the breast start to grow uncontrollably and form a tumour. If left undiagnosed or untreated, it can spread to other parts of the body, which can increase complications and give rise to life-threatening situations. 

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2020, more than 20 lakh women were diagnosed with breast cancer. Out of the group, 6.85 lakh deaths from the disease were reported. At the end of the year, only 70.8 lakh women diagnosed with breast cancer in the past five years were alive, making it the world’s most prevalent cancer. The incidences of breast cancer in men accounted for 1% of all cases. 

When it comes to breast cancer, some of the most common symptoms include: 

  • A hard breast lump 
  • Change in size, shape or appearance of the breast
  • Dimpling or redness in the breast skin
  • Change in nipple appearance or the skin surrounding the nipple, also called the areola
  • Abnormal or bloody fluid from the nipple

The Challenges Of Breast Cancer In Pregnant Women

According to Dr Khandelwal, during pregnancy, the chest size of the pregnant lady increases, which helps facilitate breastfeeding. However, due to the growing breast size and the breast changes that follow a pregnancy makes it difficult to detect breast lumps and hinders the diagnostic process.

The doctor said, “Do not ignore any lumps in the chest. Sometimes, it may be difficult to catch it, or one may ignore it thinking it to be normal pregnancy changes.  However, take more care during the third trimester and while visiting a gynaecologist, do get your breasts examined.”

In general, the Cancer.Net says that it can be more difficult to detect cancer when a person is pregnant. This is because certain symptoms associated with the disease, such as bloating, headaches, or rectal bleeding, are also common during pregnancy. In the case of breast cancer, common symptoms, such as breast lumps, changes in size and shape of the breast, pain, etc., mimic benign breast-related pregnancy issues.

What Pregnant Women Should Note During Screenings

Generally, a breast examination, which can be conducted by the person themselves or a doctor, is the easiest, painless, and cost-effective method to detect breast cancer symptoms. Other than that, an imaging test, consisting of mammography and/or ultrasound, or a biopsy can be conducted. 

However, during pregnancy, Dr Khandelwal recommends an ultrasound to screen the breast for any abnormalities. He advises to avoid mammography (X-ray) during pregnancy, because of the radiation. According to him, a biopsy test will not be necessary if the lump is a normal pregnancy bump, which does not lead to breast cancer. In certain cases, fine needle aspiration (FNA) is conducted, which extracts samples of breast cells and determines the type of lump in the chest and further treatment process, the doctor shared. 

Is It Safe To Get Cancer Treatment During Pregnancy?

Being diagnosed with breast cancer during pregnancy can be a big blow. Some breast cancers can also develop a year after the delivery. However, treatments are available. 

“In the first trimester, we usually do not suggest chemotherapy to pregnant women as the child can get affected by it. The best time therefore is to give chemotherapy in the second or third trimester,” Dr Khandelwal said, adding, “Surgery can also take place during pregnancy.”

Also Read: How To Perform A Breast Self-Exam: Breast Cancer Expert Shares A Step-By-Step Guide

According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), pregnant women can safely receive treatment for breast cancer, although the types of treatment used and the timing of treatment might be affected by the pregnancy. Usually, the treatment recommendations depend on:

  • The tumour size
  • The tumour location
  • If the cancer has spread and if so, how far
  • How far along you are in the pregnancy
  • Your overall health
  • Your personal preferences

The US Healthy body adds, “Other breast cancer treatments, such as hormone therapy, targeted therapy, and radiation therapy, are more likely to harm the baby and are not usually given during pregnancy.”


A breast cancer diagnosis during pregnancy can take a severe toll on the expectant mother and the family that support and care for her. However, treatments are available and mostly safe. Depending on your medical history, the tumour size, location, how advanced it is, and how far along you are in the pregnancy, doctors can recommend the most appropriate treatment options. The key is to not hold back on all necessary steps and measures to fight the cancer. 
