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Delhi Air Quality 'Severe': How To Protect Your Lungs From Chronic Damage

Severe air pollution can cause chronic harm to our lungs. Therefore, it is important to protect the respiratory system by taking preventive measures.

Tenzin Chodon
Written by: Tenzin ChodonUpdated at: Nov 04, 2023 12:41 IST
Delhi Air Quality 'Severe': How To Protect Your Lungs From Chronic Damage

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

As the Air Quality Index (AQI) in Delhi breaches the 400 mark, people living in the national capital and its neighbouring cities combat 'severe' air pollution and lung distress. Exposure to such extreme levels of air pollution can lead to an increased risk of respiratory infections, heart disease, and lung cancer.  

A study published in the Journal Public Health highlighted the long term effects associated with air pollution, which include chronic asthma, pulmonary insufficiency, cardiovascular diseases, and cardiovascular mortality. 

In an interaction with the OnlyMyHealth team, Dr Lancelot Mark Pinto, Consultant Pulmonologist and Epidemiologist, PD Hinduja Hospital and Medical Research Centre, Mahim, said, “The cumulative effect of noxious stimuli, such as cigarette smoke, biomass fuel, on the lungs is well known for diseases, such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and lung cancer. Therefore, air pollution, by virtue of cumulative toxic effects on the air passages and tissues of the lungs can cause several long-term consequences.” In light of this, Dr Pinto listed a few ways people can protect their lungs from chronic damage.

Also Read: Know The Impact of Air Pollution On Human Health And Environment 

Wear Well-Fitted Masks

While face masks became a key accessory during the COVID-19 pandemic, it has always been handy in protecting against infections and air pollution. 

Dr Pinto recommended using masks, preferably high efficiency masks, such as N-95 or K-95 masks, to protect your lungs against severe air pollutants. According to a 2021 US study published in GeoHealth, N95 masks offered 'robust protection' against the various sources of Particulate Matter (PM) by more than a factor of 14. 

He advised, “One needs to change masks frequently, as pollution of this magnitude can cause frequent clogging of the masks, making it difficult to breathe.”

Limit Outdoor Activities

Amid severe air pollution, it is crucial to avoid or limit oneself from participating in outdoor activities, said Dr Pinto, adding, “It would be prudent to not expose oneself to such poor quality air when suffering from a respiratory tract infection, as there is a potential that the air quality could worsen the manifestations of the illness.”

He emphasised, “The benefits of exercise and being physically active outdoors need to be weighed against the harms caused by such poor quality air, especially among vulnerable individuals.”

Smoking Is Out Of The Question

To protect our lungs from chronic damage, we must avoid exposure to toxic air, including cigarette smoking. According to the American Lung Association (ALA), cigarette smoking is the major cause of lung cancer and COPD, which includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Over time, cigarette smoke destroys lung tissue and may increase the risk of cancer, the health body adds. 

Also Read: Do You Know What Happens In Your Body When You Quit Smoking?

Invest In Air Purifiers If You Can

Several studies have confirmed the effectiveness of air purifiers in reducing indoor fine particle concentrations. A research article published in the Open Access Journal Heliyon highlighted the effectiveness of air purifiers equipped with a High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter in improving indoor air quality. HEPA is an air filter technology that is said to remove 99.97-99.99% of airborne particles. 


Dr Pinto concluded, “If one has underlying chronic respiratory diseases, being regular with medications protects the lungs to some extent. We all need to lobby hard for clean air, as all the other solutions would be focusing on the consequences of the problem without addressing the source of the problem.”
