Here Are 10 Ways to Prevent Cervical Pain

If you ignore neck pain for a longer time, it can easily transform into cervical pain that can trouble you for lifetime. Here’s how to prevent it.

Chanchal Sengar
Written by:Chanchal SengarPublished at: Jul 30, 2021

Use a new pillow

Use a new pillow

If you are experiencing neck pain particularly after waking up, you must try to change your pillow and see if it helps. Pillows are meant to provide support and comfort to your back. However, use of wrong pillow or using it wrongly can cause neck pain that may aggravate cervival pain.

Sleep on your back

Sleep on your back

Many people sleep on the sides that is the primary cause of cervical pain. The reason being poor support to your neck muscles and shoulders. If you are having pain in the neck, try to sleep on your back until your neck pain gets better. If required, add extra cushioning to provide added support.

Use laptops correctly

Use laptops correctly

One of the major reasons behind prevalence of neck pain and increased cases of cervical pain is incorrect use of desktops and laptops. Since most people are working from home, this has become a common problem. Keeping your screen at eye level can help in reducing strain on your neck, thus, providing relief.

Avoid texting

Avoid texting

Looking down while using your phone is another common culprit for neck pain. If you are texting o chatting, keep your phone at your eye level and try to keep your back and neck straight as much as possible. Over time, this habit can cause premature degenerative issues in your neck.

Use a headset

Use a headset

If you are someone whose work solely depends on phone, use a headset. This would reduce your neck and head tilting to relax your neck muscles. A hands-free device helps in talking without holding your phone which is extremely helpful for people who do talking their phone a lot.

Neck stretches

Neck stretches

Exercising your neck muscles can relieve tension and prevent cervical pain. You can do simple neck stretches and other exercises that open up the muscles. Also, you can do these any time and anywhere. Whenever you feel neck paining, do these easy and effective stretches for relief.

Stay hydrated

Stay hydrated

Why you might be finding this irrelevant, this is one of the crucial steps that you must take to boost overall health. Drinking water throughout the day helps in hydrating the discs and nourishing cells. Thus, the discs become strong and resistant to regular wear and tear.

Carry weight evenly

Carry weight evenly

Holding heavy baggages with one hand or carrying slings and handbags on one shoulder can also cause neck pain. If you continue doing this, you might experience severe neck pain that may grow into cervical pain over time. Thus, carry weight evenly on each shoulder. Or you can carry a backpack to share the load evenly.

Maintain right posture

Maintain right posture

Posture provides support to your body including your neck and shoulders. If you maintain wrong posture such as sitting or walking with your shoulders leaning forward, you can easily get neck and cervical pain. Thus, maintain the right posture that can ward off this risk.

Press trigger points

Press trigger points

There are certain trigger or pressure points that can alleviate pain and revive muscular strength. In order to press these trigger points, the safest way is to give yourself a nice neck massage. Massaging neck and shoulder would make your pain subside and feel better. Images Credits-
