
The Pitfalls Of Poor Ab Workouts: How To Keep Your Back Safe, Expert Explains

Engaging in ill-advised abdominal exercises can have detrimental effects on your back, which could lead to muscle strains to chronic pain.

Varun Verma
Written by: Varun VermaUpdated at: Aug 18, 2023 08:00 IST
The Pitfalls Of Poor Ab Workouts: How To Keep Your Back Safe, Expert Explains

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

Maintaining a strong core is essential for overall fitness and spinal health. However, not all ab workouts are created equal. While it's tempting to push through intense abdominal exercises in pursuit of the perfect six-pack, it's crucial to remember that improper techniques can lead to serious back problems.

Ishaan Arora, Karnal-Based Body Building India Certified Fitness Trainer, who currently provides online fitness-related tips, explains how incorrect ab workouts can impact your back. The expert also lists ab exercises that you should steer clear of to safeguard your spinal well-being.

How Wrong Ab Workout Can Impact Your Back

Engaging in ill-advised abdominal exercises can have detrimental effects on your back. These workouts often lead to strained muscles, imbalances, and even chronic pain. When you perform exercises that place excessive strain on your lower back, such as sit-ups with poor form or intense twisting motions, you risk putting undue pressure on your spine's delicate structures. This pressure can lead to muscle spasms, herniated discs, and even nerve impingements. Over time, these issues can evolve into chronic conditions, making daily activities a painful challenge.

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Additionally, improper ab workouts can exacerbate existing back problems. If you already have a history of back pain or spinal issues, performing the wrong exercises can exacerbate your discomfort. It's essential to prioritise exercises that engage your core muscles without compromising your spinal alignment. This approach not only strengthens your abdominal muscles but also promotes a healthier back.

Wrong Ab Workouts and Safeguarding Your Back

Following are the ab workouts that might not be good for your back. Here's what the expert has to say.

Traditional Sit-Ups

"This classic ab exercise involves lying on your back and using your abdominal muscles to lift your upper body off the ground. However, the repeated bending and arching motion can strain your lower back, leading to discomfort and potential injuries," said Arora. He suggested replacing sit-ups with alternatives like planks or bicycle crunches, which engage your core without straining your back.

Russian Twists


While this exercise is popular for targeting oblique muscles, it involves twisting your torso from side to side while holding a weight. "The twisting motion can strain your lower back and lead to imbalances in your spine. Thus, opt for exercises that work your obliques without twisting, such as side planks or side leg lifts," suggested Arora.

Leg Raises

"Lying flat on your back and lifting your legs might seem like a great way to work your lower abs, but this exercise can strain your lower back if not executed properly," said Arora. He said that if you're not careful about maintaining proper lower back alignment, leg raises can place undue stress on your spine. "You should consider exercises like reverse crunches or pelvic tilts to engage your lower abdominal muscles effectively," he mentioned.

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Full Body Crunches


"These involve lifting both your upper body and lower body simultaneously, which can lead to excessive flexion and strain on your spine. Instead, focus on exercises like half crunches or modified boat poses, which engage your core without putting too much pressure on your back," suggested the expert.


A strong core is undoubtedly vital for overall fitness, but it should never come at the cost of your spinal health. The wrong ab workouts can lead to a host of back problems, from muscle strains to chronic pain. To avoid these pitfalls, it's essential to choose exercises that engage your core muscles without compromising your spinal alignment. By prioritising proper form and opting for alternatives to the worst ab exercises, you can achieve a strong core and a healthy back simultaneously.

[Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. Consult your healthcare provider to get a thorough diagnosis and treatment as per your health needs.]

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