Want Wrinkle-Free Youthful Hands? Use These Aging Hands Home Remedies

Are you worried about wrinkles on your hands? Here are some remedial options to fade away wrinkles and get soft hands.

Chanchal Sengar
Written by: Chanchal SengarUpdated at: Apr 23, 2022 13:30 IST
Want Wrinkle-Free Youthful Hands? Use These Aging Hands Home Remedies

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

Soft hands are every woman’s desire, agree? There is some sense of beauty that we feel if our hands are soft and glowing just like facial skin. But the more beautiful we want, the more care is required. It is not easy to maintain hand care because we do so many tasks every day that put our hands to use and makes them age prematurely. Most commonly, use of soap and detergent makes hand dull, dry and wrinkled over time. This is why following a hand care routine is important if you wish to not get wrinkles on your precious hands. Scroll down as we have listed some helpful tips on how to make wrinkled hands look younger.

How To Get Rid Of Wrinkles On Hands

Here are some tips to prevent hands from aging.

Wear Protective Gloves

This is an easy step to keep your hands away from damaging elements. If you are someone who does all household chores including washing utensils and doing laundry, you must wear hand gloves during action. These prevent direct contact of skin with detergent, cleaning agents, chemicals, etc. These gloves are meant to help you conduct all chores without affecting your hands. Besides, if you are worried about comfort wearing this, there are many kinds of hand gloves available that you can buy as per your need and comfort. 

Also Read: When To Wash or Sanitise your Hands? Know The Diseases Caused By Poor Hand Hygiene

Use milk-based hand soap

Ever since the coronavirus pandemic has hit us, hand hygiene has become an inseparable part of our lives. Washing hands often with soap and using sanitizers that contain alcohol are causing silent damage to our hands that we may not realize now but later on, the changes will become peskily visible. To avert this situation from happening, you must use moisturizing hand soaps and limit the use of hand sanitizers. A lot of companies are making gentle handwashes that are not harsh and promote hydration.

Exfoliate Your Hands

How To Get Rid Of Wrinkles On Hands

Exfoliation is not meant just for the face but also hands. Exfoliation helps in removing dead skin cells along with dirt and germs that might have accumulated on your hands. Exfoliation is therefore, a very important step for clean and soft hands. You can either get hand scrub from a beauty store or make one at home using kitchen ingredients. Simply mix sugar and lemon juice to form a scrub. Now, exfoliate your hands with this. Doing this twice or thrice a week will help in removing dead skin cell layer. Don’t forget to apply a hand cream after exfoliation to moisturize your hands.

Also Read: Don’t let Handwashing Dry Out Your hands, Maintain Softness With These 7 Tips

Moisturize Your Hands Often

One of the key ways to get rid of wrinkles on hands is moisturization. Nothing can make your hands look softer and brighter other than a good moisturiser. Do you know what happens when you don’t moisturize your skin? Due to loss of hydration, the skin starts to become drier and saggy. This hampers skin’s elasticity and eventually leads to wrinkles and fine lines. Thus, it is imperative to hydrate and moisturize your hands to prevent premature aging. If you have extremely dry hands, you must use only hand creams that help nourish cells and rebuild them. You can also use a body butter for better results.

Use Sunscreen

How To Get Rid Of Wrinkles On Hands

You apply sunscreen on your face to protect against harmful UV rays but why forget your hands? They also need protection against sunlight as it serves as a potential aging factor. Whenever you go out, apply a good sunscreen lotion on your face, arms as well as hands. Apply it at least 20 minutes prior to going out to let the lotion set on the skin and do its work.

Apply olive oil

The last hack for youthful and wrinkle-free hands is olive oil. This is available in most households these days. Olive oil is loaded with vitamin E that allows repairing of the skin and fading wrinkles. You can use olive oil in place of a hand cream for similar effects. It provides best results when used at night before bedtime.

These are some remedies for wrinkled hands to lessen their visibility and fade them over time. Some simple steps can bring significant changes if you follow them religiously.

Image credits- freepik
