What Is Skinny Fat & How You Can Fix It

Being skinny-fat means having a normal body weight with very little muscle mass.

Ishaan Arora
Written by: Ishaan AroraUpdated at: Mar 12, 2023 11:00 IST
What Is Skinny Fat & How You Can Fix It

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

If you are someone who just lost weight and appears slim but when you take off your shirt, you find soft, flabby arms, legs and a little bit of belly fat, this is often referred to as "skinny fat". 

People who are skinny fat may appear fit and healthy from a distance, but when examined closely, they lack any visible muscle mass or definition. In layman's terms, it refers to people who appear thin but actually carry more fat than what is healthy for their body type. This is a common issue for many beginners or anyone who lost weight solely through calorie restriction.

Let's understand what skinny fat is and see how you can get rid of it. 

What Is Skinny Fat?

Being skinny-fat means having a normal body weight with very little muscle mass and a lot of fat covering the body. No doubt you have a normal BMI, but the excess body fat you carry may be affecting your health. The good news is that you can easily fix it by incorporating the following lifestyle changes and changing your diet.

1) Start Strength Training

The best way to get rid of skinny fat is to build muscle, but how do you do that? By indulging in strength training. Strength training is one of the best activities you can do to keep your body and mind in good shape. Strength training not only aids in fat loss but also increases metabolism, which is essential in transformation. Moreover, you do not need to commit to two hours of exercise every day; a 45-minute session four times a week is sufficient for gaining strength and muscle. The best part about strength training is that it is an excellent way to divert your attention away from troublesome thoughts.

Also Read: Looking To Gain Muscle? A Beginners Guide To Bulking & Cutting

2) Eat In Little Surplus

Muscle building is a slow process that requires a calorie surplus and daily exercise. The only thing to remember is that you should stay moderate with your calories; 200 calories more than your maintenance level is sufficient. Moreover, these 200 calories should be entirely carbs because they will help you during your workout.

3) Binge On Protein

Proteins are the building blocks of muscle, and you do not need whey protein to build muscle; you can also build muscle through natural food sources. When you want to lose fat and build muscle at the same time,  your protein requirement rises to complement both processes. Make sure to consume protein twice your body weight. Moreover, protein absorption is at its peak around workout time, so make sure to include protein in both pre and post-workout meals.

Also Read: Muscle building: Worst To Best Upper Body Exercises

4) Prioritise Sleep

What strength training takes out of your body, sleep replenishes. Sleep is when your body switches from catabolism (muscle breakdown) to anabolism (muscle building and repair). Sleep deprivation can result in poor muscle growth, increased insulin resistance, hunger, fatigue, and a lack of motivation to exercise. In short, not getting enough sleep will hinder your efforts to gain muscle. Therefore, make an effort to sleep seven to eight hours per night.

Image Credit: Freepik
