Post-Diwali Detox: How To Boost Your Digestive Health After All That Binge-Eating

Getting your digestive health back on track may not be that easy after a joyous Diwali celebration. But here are some detox tips to get you started.

Tenzin Chodon
Written by: Tenzin ChodonUpdated at: Nov 15, 2023 14:22 IST
Post-Diwali Detox: How To Boost Your Digestive Health After All That Binge-Eating

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

Diwali - the festival of lights - is celebrated with full fervour and enthusiasm. Besides exchanging gifts and greetings, burning diyas, and wearing the most beautiful dresses, people also indulge in eating the most delicious dishes and sweets. For a few days, a lot of people, including fitness enthusiasts, forget all about their weight gain woes and do not pay attention to their digestive health. However, now that the festival is over and we're back to our daily routines, it is important to detox and bring back the healthy habits. Here's what you can do to boost your gut health and avoid stomach issues. 

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Incorporate Fibre-Rich Foods

Fibre-rich foods are extremely crucial for your digestive health. Not only do they aid in maintaining regular bowel movements, preventing constipation, and supporting a healthy gut microbiome, but they also promote weight loss and keep chronic health issues at bay. 

There are two main types of dietary fibre namely soluble and insoluble. While soluble fibres are found in foods like oats and beans, foods like cereals and whole-grain products are sources of insoluble fibre. As per a study published in the Journal Nutrients, dietary fibre helps manage insulin sensitivity, promotes cardiovascular health, and reduces the risk of colon-related diseases. 

Detox Drinks

Post-Diwali, detoxing your body, especially your digestive system, with herbal teas can prove beneficial. For instance, lemon water can aid in digestion and may help cleanse the system. Ginger tea contains anti-inflammatory properties, which help alleviate gastrointestinal discomfort. Additionally, green tea, rich in antioxidants, may contribute to overall gut health.

Say 'No' To Processed Foods

Diwali is all about feasting on your favourite foods. However, continuing the same pattern is not good for your overall health. Hence, minimising processed foods is vital for maintaining gut health. Many processed foods are high in unhealthy fats, preservatives, and refined sugars, which can disrupt the balance of gut bacteria. 

According to a study published in the Journal Advances in Nutrition, increased consumption of ultra-processed foods is associated with Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs). 

Therefore, it is best to have whole, unprocessed foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains that provide essential nutrients and fibre. 

Include Probiotic-Rich Foods

Probiotic-rich foods contain live bacteria that support the balance of the microbiome. Yoghurt with active cultures is a well-known source of probiotics. Fermented foods such as kimchi, sauerkraut, and pickles also provide diverse strains of beneficial bacteria. Kefir, a fermented dairy drink, is another excellent option to promote gut health by introducing probiotics. These foods not only contribute to improved digestion, but also enhance nutrient absorption and strengthen the immune system.

Also Read: Morning Or Night? Expert Explains The Best Way To Take Probiotics

Hydration Is Key

Since water helps in the digestion and absorption of nutrients, drinking plenty of fluids is crucial to keep stomach problems at bay. Adequate hydration can prevent constipation by softening stool and promoting regular bowel movements. In addition, water plays a key role in preserving the protective mucosal lining of the intestines. This lining acts as a barrier against harmful substances and therefore, staying well-hydrated is a simple yet integral practice to support a healthy gut.

Indulge In Regular Exercise

Not just your diet, but your level of physical activity also has an effect on your digestive health. Physical activity not only helps stimulate the muscles of the digestive tract, promoting smoother movement of food and waste, but it can also alleviate common digestive issues, such as constipation. Additionally, exercise is associated with a healthier gut microbiome, which refers to the microorganisms in the human digestive tract. 


Festivals bring joyous celebrations. But once the festivities are over, it is also important to resume healthy habits. All that binge-eating, feasting on processed foods and sugary treats call for a detox, especially for your gut health. Therefore, it is important to make necessary alterations to your diet and also indulge in physical activity. If you have any pre-existing health conditions, do not forget to speak with your healthcare provider for proper advice. 
