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Unveiling the Silent Danger: How Large Goitres May Be Linked to Sleep Apnoea

A goitre is the enlargement of thyroid gland. Read on to know how large goitres may be linked to sleep apnoea. 

Sambhav Kumar
Written by: Sambhav KumarUpdated at: Nov 19, 2023 02:35 IST
Unveiling the Silent Danger: How Large Goitres May Be Linked to Sleep Apnoea

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

In an increasingly health-conscious society, certain medical conditions continue to evade the spotlight, often concealing subtle yet significant dangers. Large goitres, characterised by abnormal swelling of the thyroid gland, have recently emerged as potential culprits behind the often-debilitating sleep disorder, sleep apnea. While the connection may not be immediately apparent, the intricate relationship between the two warrants attention and understanding.

Dr Vikas K Agrawal is a pioneering ENT surgeon, explains that people with enlarged goitres could be susceptible to developing or exacerbating sleep apnea, a condition marked by disrupted breathing patterns during sleep. The underlying mechanism primarily involves the pressure exerted by the goitre on the trachea, causing breathing difficulties that manifest prominently during sleep. 

Correlation Between Goitre And Sleep Apnoea

This phenomenon underscores the importance of recognising the nuanced interplay between goitre size, airway anatomy, and the onset of sleep apnoea.

According to Dr Agrawal, the correlation between goitres and sleep apnoea depends on the following factors:

1. Size of the goitre- Generally, a goitre would need to be quite large and compress the airway significantly to cause sleep apnea. However, it's essential to note that the relationship between goitre size and sleep apnea is not solely based on size.

2. Its location

3. Individual's unique airway structure

Consequently, recognising the signs of potential sleep apnea, such as:

  • Persistent snoring
  • Sudden awakenings accompanied by breathlessness, and 
  • Excessive daytime fatigue,
  • All these become paramount for timely intervention.

“For those grappling with these symptoms, consulting ENT surgeons and sleep specialists is crucial. Comprehensive evaluations, which might include sleep studies and imaging techniques like ultrasounds and CT scans, can provide a thorough understanding of the condition, facilitating the formulation of an effective treatment plan,” said Dr Agarwal. 

Treatment Options

Treatment options can range from medication to surgical interventions and lifestyle modifications. Such as-

Medications regulating thyroid hormone levels can help reduce goitre size and alleviate breathing difficulties, particularly when thyroid dysfunction underlies the issue. 

Surgical procedures, such as thyroidectomy, aim to alleviate pressure on the trachea and restore normal breathing patterns during sleep. 

Lifestyle changes, including maintaining a balanced diet and regular exercise, can indirectly support the management of goitres and associated sleep apnoea.

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy might be recommended to those diagnosed with moderate to severe sleep apnea, to ensure steady airflow during sleep, preventing breathing interruptions and improving overall quality of rest.

The surgeon can also suggest uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) along with the thyroid surgery if needed, which helps to open the upper airways by taking out extra tissue in the throat.   

By raising awareness about this hidden danger, individuals can seek timely medical assistance, promoting a better understanding and management of these interconnected health concerns.
