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Ayurveda For All: How It Can Help Treat Kidney Failure

Chronic kidney disease can lead to kidney failure and hamper your bodily functions. Read on to learn how ayurveda can help you treat it.

Sushmita Sharma
Written by: Sushmita SharmaUpdated at: Jun 30, 2023 02:30 IST
Ayurveda For All: How It Can Help Treat Kidney Failure

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

When faced with the faltering filtration system of our bodies, the search for alternative treatments beyond conventional medicine begins. For those seeking an alternative path to alleviate the challenges of kidney failure, ayurveda emerges as a beacon of hope. Dr Puneet, Founder and Director. Karma Ayurveda sheds light on how this ancient practice can offer solutions for treating kidney failure.

What is Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

Dr Puneet said that CKD leads to kidney failure i.e. the inability of kidneys to carry out filtration of wastes and extra fluids from the body. It also results in the ability to balance fluids and electrolytes and control Red Blood Cells (RBC) production in the body. Kidney failure does not happen overnight but develops slowly. However, since early signs of kidney failure are subtle and generalised, the diagnosis and therefore the treatment usually begins very late. According to the Journal of Clinical Nephrology and Renal Care, the prevalence of CKD was observed to be 17.2%, with about 6% having CKD stage 3 or worse in India. 

Dr Puneet emphasises the importance of timely medical intervention, as early diagnosis significantly enhances the chances of successful treatment. Unusual symptoms, such as decreased urine output, swelling in extremities, fatigue, or shortness of breath should prompt individuals to seek medical help promptly. Here are some reasons why ayurveda stands out as a treatment option for kidney failure.

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Why Ayurveda?

According to the research conducted by Elsevier Kidney International Supplements, CKD affects more than 800 million people worldwide and is a leading cause of death. The problem is even more severe in low and middle-income countries like India, which are not properly equipped to deal with the consequences, not to mention the financial toll that dialysis and transplantation bring with them. Besides the financial factor, dialysis and transplant have their risks of infection and organ rejection. When it comes to sympathetically eliminating kidney problems, then ayurveda has proved to be a silver bullet. 

How Does Ayurveda Help Treat Kidney Disease


Dr Puneet said that ancient Indian science is not only cost-effective but also reduces risk factors associated with dialysis and transplant. According to an International Quarterly Journal of Research in Ayurveda, 90% of patients cannot afford the cost in India. Ayurveda has been able to effectively enhance kidney function to the point that these treatments are no longer required or can be completely avoided after the kidneys have been revived.

Ayurveda Provides A Holistic Cure 

Dr Puneet said that different indicators, such as serum creatinine (creatinine is a waste product of your muscles found in your blood), blood urea, and urine albumin levels rise to an abnormal range indicating that the function of kidneys is hampered. Ayurvedic herbs and medicinal preparations work on bringing the concentration of these indicators to the normal range. The most commonly used herbal formulations have ingredients of Punarnava, Kaasni, Varun, Palaash, and Gokshur, among others. By treating the imbalances in the body and restoring kidney function, ayurveda has the potential to reverse kidney damage. 

Also Read: High Fever To UTI: Here're 6 Symptoms Of Kidney Stones You Should Not Ignore

Ayurveda Is Different From The ‘One Size Fits All'

Dr Puneet said that ayurvedic treatment is highly individualised. In this method of treatment, no one medicine is used as the gold standard for kidney failure, unlike its allopathic counterpart. Ayurvedic treatment is designed for an individual based on their age, medical history, existence of comorbidities, symptoms they present, stage of the disease, and overall health. 

Also, ayurveda works to cure the imbalances in the body which are known as doshas and therefore every individual’s treatment plan differs. What works for one may not yield the same result for another person.

Ayurveda Acts On The Root Cause Of The Issue

Dr Puneet said, “More than treating the symptoms, the principle of ayurvedic treatment lies in working from the ground up i.e. an experienced practitioner considers the root cause of a disease before prescribing any medication. In many cases, kidney failure is a manifestation of an underlying condition. This could range from hypertension to diabetes to heart disorders to a severe allergic reaction to any medication. Ayurvedic treatment identifies the reason for kidney failure and alleviates the same.


With the help of this traditional medicine, many people have been able to avoid conventional and costly procedures like dialysis and kidney transplantation. While ayurvedic medicines are all-natural, people should never self-medicate because the manner of action of any medicine, natural or not, can affect many other channels.


The information in this article is provided by a registered healthcare expert. However, we recommend you consult with your expert before trying this treatment for a diagnosis based on your requirements.
