8 Amazing Home Remedies To Treat Vomitting In Children

Children are sensitive and can be an easy target of various illnesses. Here are some home remedies for vomitting in kids.

Navya Kharbanda
Written by:Navya KharbandaPublished at: Sep 30, 2021

Home remedies for vomitting in children

 Home remedies for vomitting in children

Vomitting in children can be caused due to many factors including food poisoning, allergies or even emotional upsetting. Vomitting can cause dehydration and make your child irritated and cranky. Besides eating less solid foods and drinking plenty of fluids, there are many natural remedies that can help in treating vomitting in kids. Keep reading to know about some home remedies for vomitting in children.

Rice water

Rice water

White rice water is one of the best home remedies to treat vomitting in children. You can boil and strain white rice to use the leftover water for this purpose. This water contains starch, thus it is a good way to give calories to your child and to boost their energy levels. Rice water is an  easy to digest drink and your child will be able to digest the food properly, instead of vomiting it out again and again.

Cardamom seeds

Cardamom seeds

After vomitting, it is important to take care of what and how much are you eating. You can give your child cardamom seeds as a home remedy to treat vomitting. These seeds have calming qualities and can relax your child’s stomach, and put a control on the nausea and vomiting. Take half teaspoon of cardamom seeds and mix it with half teaspoon sugar and feed this to your child to stop the vomiting.  

Ginger juice and honey

Ginger juice and honey

Ginger is a famous kitchen ingredient for the natural treatment of nausea and vomiting. Take a small piece of ginger and grate it. Squeeze the juice out of the grated ginger and put 4-5 drops of honey to make it taste better. Give this solution to your child atleast twice a day. This ginger juice and honey drink will not only treat nausea but also improve your digestion process.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is an effective treatment to eliminate the acidic feeling in the mouth and to get rid of nausea. You can take a little apple cider vinegar and mix it in water. Then, maks your child to their mouth with the solution after vomiting. Apple cider vinegar is an amazing home remedy for vomiting in children as it also helps in detoxifying the body. You can add a little honey for better taste for the kid.

Cumin seeds

 Cumin seeds

Cumin seeds are known to treat digestion problems by helping with the secretion of pancreatic enzymes in your body. Cumin seeds treat the uncomfortable feeling that one experiences after vomiting. You can roast and use the cumin seeds powder to treat vomitting in children. Another way is to put the powdered cumin seeds in hot water and let your kid drink it slowly.

Lavender oil

Lavender oil

Lavender oil can make your surroundings feel fresh and calm. This fragrance and aroma can help in treating nausea, headaches and vomitting in children. It can also promote deep sleep eliminating nausea once and for all. You can take a few drops of lavender oil and put it on your child’s pillow or a handkerchief and let him inhale it to provide relief. You can even put it in a diffuser for the good fragrance.



Cloves play a major role in improving your digestion and can treat vomiting in children effectively. If your child is not an infant then he can chew on cloves, so you can give him one to chew on. Another way to use this home remedy for vomitting in kids is by making a cup of clove tea. It is prepared by boiling a few cloves in a cup of water. You can add a little honey and give it to your child for relief.

Cinnamon tea

Cinnamon tea

Cinnamon tea is another effective home remedy that can help in treating vomitting in children. This amazing spice can also prevent and cure nausea. It contains antibacterial and antiviral properties, that can clean your system and get rid of any gastrointestinal issues that lead to nausea. And, it also has a chemical called catechins present in it, which can be extremely useful in curing vomitting in kids.
