9 Home Remedies To Relieve Hernia Pain

Hernia is a bulging fatty tissue that can cause severe pain. Check out these home remedies to relieve hernia pain.

Navya Kharbanda
Written by:Navya KharbandaPublished at: Aug 04, 2021

Home remedies for hernia pain

Home remedies for hernia pain

What is a hernia? Hernia is a health problem which causes a bulging organ or fatty tissue through a tissue or muscle opening. Sometimes, you can see the hernia, depending on its location and size. There are various types of hernia and they can be very painful. It is important to get immediate medical attention for hernia, but there are many natural remedies that can help in dealing with hernia complications. Keep reading to know about some home remedies to relieve hernia pain.

Aloe vera juice

Aloe vera juice

Aloe vera contains anti inflammatory properties and is known as a soothing agent, thus making it an effective remedy to relieve hernia pain. Drinking aloe vera juice empty stomach in the morning us one of the best ways to use this home remedy. And, you can also include aloe vera in your daily meals to prevent the development of a hernia.

Ice pack

Ice pack

When you develop a hernia, common symptoms are inflammation, redness, and pain in the abdomen or groin. Placing an ice pack for a few minutes directly on the affected area can lead to contraction and reduce inflammation in the body. It can also helps in alleviating the pain and bloating that comes with hernia. You can use a store bought ice pack or a bag of piece for this purpose.

Black pepper

 Black pepper

Even a kitchen ingredient like black pepper can prove to be a useful home remedy to relieve hernia pain and other symptoms. Along with the amazing flavour and fragrance, black pepper is used for many health benefits as well. It is known for quick healing in those parts of the body which have been compromised when the organ started bulging from the cavity wall. or opening. It can also help in managing  acid reflux which is a trigger for hernia pain.

Castor seed oil

Castor seed oil

Since many years, castor seed oil is being used for several gastrointestinal problems as it can coat the stomach in a thin lining, hence preventing inflammation and improving digestion. Castor seed oil can also be used to get rid of hernia pain and swelling. And, you can even prepare a castor seed oil pack and keep it over the stomach to deal with the painful symptoms of a hernia.

Avoid trigger foods

Avoid trigger foods

There are certain trigger foods that should be avoided if a person is suffering from hernia, such as spicy foods and acidic foods that can be difficult to digest. These foods can cause inflammation in the stomach lining making the hernia even worse. It is advised to take soothing foods and drinks including cabbage juice, yogurt, high fiber foods, sweet potato, green tea and lean protein.

Ginger root

Ginger root

Ginger root is an effective home remedy for hernia and can help in relieving the abdominal pain and inflammation caused by a hernia. You can take this remedy in the liquid form of concentrated ginger juice you can eat raw ginger to reduce the pain. Ginger is popular for its digestion friendly properties too. It can protect the stomach and oesophagus from gastric issues. You can also consume a cup of ginger tea in the evening.



A hernia can lead to damage to the stomach lining and the oesophagus, which can be treated with Licorice. Licorice root acts as a healing agent for many parts of the body. Taking Licorice tea during the day can also easily stimulate the regrowth of damaged tissues and can alleviate the pain and inflammation caused by a hernia using its analgesic properties.

Vegetable juice

Vegetable juice

One of the most effective and simple home remedy for a hernia can be vegetable juice. A glass of vegetable juice everyday can be good for hernia patients and for an individual's overall health as well. You can blend carrots, kale, spinach and beetroot altogether to make a delicious and healthy vegetable juice. The important nutrients and anti-inflammatory properties can soothe the painful symptoms of a hernia.



Doing light yoga daily can also provide relief with inflammation and pain. It soothes the parts of your body. However, do not do strenuous exercises and practice light yogasans only. It will help in reducing both stress and pain. Some helpful yoga poses for hernia are Uttanpadasana, Matsyasana and vajrasana. These asanas can help your body in one way or the other, such as improving digestion and reducing inflammation.
