Know How To Prevent Dengue With These 8 Effective Home Remedies

Dengue is spreading a lot since a few weeks. Here are some effective home remedies to prevent this disease.

Navya Kharbanda
Written by:Navya KharbandaPublished at: Sep 28, 2021

Home remedies to prevent dengue

Home remedies to prevent dengue

Mosquito bites can lead to life threatening diseases such as dengue, malaria, and elephantiasis. Dengue is spreading a lot these days by female aedes mosquito. It can cause high fever, rashes and low platelet count and is also associated with other symptoms like headache, body ache, nausea and vomiting. Dengue can prove to be fatal, thus we should follow proper preventive measures. Read further to know about some effective home remedies to prevent dengue.



Giloy is a an essential natural herb that is used in ayurvedic treatments for several health ailments including the treatment and prevention of dengue. It helps in improving the metabolic rate, boosting immunity and protects your body from various infections. To use it as a home remedy for dengue prevention, you can boil giloy stems and drink a cup as herbal drink. You can also add tulsi leaves to this hot beverage for more effectiveness.

Tulsi leaves

Tulsi leaves

Along with papaya leaves, tulsi leaves are also beneficial for preventing and treating dengue. You can make a healthy drink by boiling tulsi leaves and adding black pepper to it. Tulsi helps in building your immunity and it plays the role of an antibacterial agent for your body. Along with dengue prevention, tulsi leaves provide many other health benefits as well. You can eat 2-3 leaves everyday for good overall health.

Papaya leaves

Papaya leaves

Papaya leaves contain anti malarial properties that make it beneficial for natural dengue prevention. It can increase the platelet count and also prevent many other illnesses. Papaya leaves extract is even used in traditional medicine and is recommended by many experts. To use it as a natural remedy to prevent dengue, you can boil the papaya leaves in water to drink this juice atleast twice a week.



Turmeric is a known superfood for boosting immunity. It contains anti inflammatory, anti bacterial and antiviral properties that can help in preventing and fighting this deadly disease. You can include turmeric in your daily diet and drink it in milk before sleeping at night. It will also boost your metabolism and combat many other illnesses. It is one of the easiest home remedies to prevent dengue naturally.

Camphor with neem oil

Camphor with neem oil

Another effective home remedy to prevent dengue is camphor with neem oil. You have to burn the camphor with 4-5 drops of neem oil. Keep this in your room with the door closed for atleast 20 minutes. This will surely help in keeping the mosquitoes away from your house. The smell of neem oil wards off mosquitoes easily. Camphor also has properties to kill the mosquitoes in your house.



Garlic works in an amazing way in keeping the mosquitoes at bay. You can keep garlic bulbs near open places such as the windows. The pungent smell of garlic can irritate the mosquito's eyes and will make them stay away from the room. And, you should also include garlic in your diet to help in fighting such diseases. Dengue can easily be prevented by using a few garlic cloves.

Lemon eucalyptus oil

Lemon eucalyptus oil

Lemon eucalyptus oil can be used as a natural mosquito repellent at your home. If you make their habitat difficult by keeping your surroundings clean and protecting your skin from the bites, it will be very easy to prevent dengue. This natural oil has sharp scented compounds that keep mosquitoes away. Lemon eucalyptus oil is readily available in the markets.



A lavender plant in the house is beneficial at many levels. It will help to prevent dengue and malaria, bring good fragrance and induce positivity around you. The leaves and flowers of lavender plant contain smells that naturally keep mosquitoes and other insects away. To use lavender as a natural remedy for dengue prevention, you can also put lavender essential oil in the diffuser in yori room to prevent mosquito bites.
