9 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Dark Cuticles

Many people have dark skin around their nails or cuticles. Here are some effective home remedies to brighten it.

Navya Kharbanda
Written by:Navya KharbandaPublished at: Sep 29, 2021

Home remedies for dark cuticles

Home remedies for dark cuticles

Discoloured skin around nails is a common problem in both men and women. Even after getting expensive pedicures and manicures, the issue of dark cuticles still exists. There are certain natural ingredients that can help in brighting the skin around your nails. Harmful UV rays and too much sun exposure can increase the production of melanin which leads to the darkening of skin. Read further to know about some home remedies to get rid of dark cuticles. 



Milk is known as a natural moisturizer and an effective treatment for pigmentation as well. You can mix milk, lemon juice and honey to make a smooth paste and apply it on your cuticles. It is suggested to repeat this natural cure atleast twice a day for a week to get the best results. Using milk is one of the most easy and inexpensive home remedies for dark cuticles. 



Lemon is known to treat pigmentation caused by the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. Lemon juice contains antioxidants and anti inflammatory properties that can help in getting rid of dark skin around the nails. You can make a honey, lemon ans sugar scrub to gently massage around the darkened cuticles. Do this home remedy atleast thrice a week to get desired results. 

Potato juice

 Potato juice

Potato contains bleaching properties that are beneficial in getting rid of dark cuticles. It can be added to yoru beauty care routine as it has many other skin benefits as well. You can cut a few slices of a potato and apply around your nails. You can even apply potato juice on your cuticles. This will help in reducing the dryness and darkness, hence brightening the skin around your nails. 



Tomatoes have an antioxidant called lycopene present in them that help with many skin problems including large pores, acne and darkened skin. It can brighten up your cuticles within a few weeks if applied regularly. Tomatoes also play the role of a natural astringent and can improve the texture of your skin. You can cut two slices of tomatoes and apply it on the discoloured area of your skin. 

Aloe vera

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is popular for its many skin benefits, including the brightening of skin. Aloe vera contains anti inflammatory properties that can help in getting rid of dark cuticles. It is a magical plant that has several medicinal properties as well. You can buy aloe vera gel from the market or use natural leaves to apply on the discoloured area. 

Coconut oil

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is found in every household as it is a multipurpose oil. It can also be used as an effective home remedy to brighten dark cuticles. It has moisturizing properties that can even treat damaged cuticles too. And, you will be able to see a significant change in the skin colour around your nails after using coconut oil for a few days. 



Yogurt is a great natural remedy that helps in treating many skin problems. Yogurt contains lactic acid that helps in eliminating the dead skin cells and even makes the complexion of your skin better. You can use fresh yogurt and apply it on the discoloured skin around your fingers. Leave it for 15 minutes and then wash it off with normal water. 



Turmeric is an effective natural ingredient that helps in making your skin tone even. You can include it in your beauty care routine as it solves many skin related issues. Mix turmeric powder with a few drops of water and make a smooth paste. Then, apply this mixture around your nails and gently massage it for a few minutes. You can let it stay for 15 minutes and rinse it off with lukewarm water later. 

Almond oil

Almond oil

Almond oil can do wonders for your skin just like coconut oil. It can treat the uneven skin tone and dark cuticles too. The important nutrients and vitamins in almond oil have brightening properties that can help in resolving your problem. Just apply a few drops of almond oil on your cuticles and massage it gently for 4-5 minutes. Let it stay for around 20-30 minutes. 
