10 Home Remedies To Cure Dengue During Pregnancy

Dengue during pregnancy can create complications if not taken care of. Here are some effective home remedies for treating dengue.

Puru Bansal
Written by:Puru BansalPublished at: Oct 12, 2021



Dengue is a serious illness which can be life-threatening at times. Dengue is caused because of female mosquito bite which spreads viral infection in people and lowers the rate of platelets in the body. It can get more complicated if it occurs to a woman who is pregnant. Pregnancy is a very sensitive stage that needs utmost care. At this stage if a woman gets infected with dengue it can result to fatal complications. In times of pregnancy, many of the medical treatments cannot be taken because of child’s health inside woman’s womb. Hence natural treatments and home remedies become the best remedy in this time to treat dengue.

Papaya Leaves

Papaya Leaves

Papaya leaves are considered one of the best treatments to cure dengue. Papaya leaves increases the platelet count to a considerable level which can decreases the risk of complications. Papaya leaves can be chewed or given in the form of juice to the woman suffering from dengue. This remedy is very beneficial and will not have any side-effects on the baby inside the mother's womb. Papaya leaves are basically rich in vitamin C and anti-oxidants that helps to reduce stress. This decreases problems such as nausea, fatigue and chills to a great extent. Pregnant woman should definitely try considering this home remedy to cure themselves from dengue fever.

Turmeric Powder

Turmeric Powder

Turmeric is an essential part of Indian households. It is also a very beneficial product when it comes to healing. Turmeric has an anti-septic, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory property which helps in decreasing the healing period.  Pregnant woman suffering from dengue infection can take turmeric in form of turmeric milk, warm water and turmeric or little turmeric powder as such to get rid of dengue fever faster. It also helps to boost your metabolism and provides inner healing.

Tulsi Leaves

Tulsi Leaves

Tulsi is said to be as a medicinal plant because it has anti-inflammatory properties that helps to treat many health conditions. Tulsi is beneficial during dengue in times of pregnancy because it acts like a natural healing medicine. Tulsi leaves can be had directly after washing them thoroughly in water. It can increase your immunity to fight infection and cure dengue faster. You can also have boiled tulsi leaves along with black pepper for daily use to avoid dengue infection.

Neem Leaves

Neem Leaves

These are another type of plant which provides support to fight against dengue. Neem leaves are basically used as multipurpose treatment when it comes to dengue. Neem leaves increase the platelet count in the body and also aids in strengthening immunity. This helps to improve the levels of platelet count in the body. Drinking boiled water along with neem leaves can also increase the white blood cells that are very crucial for recovering from dengue fever. Neem leaves can also be used to prevent mosquito bites by burning dry leaves of neem tree.

Orange Juice

Orange Juice

Orange juice is also given to many patients suffering from dengue. Pregnant woman can also have orange juice without any problem because it has a positive effect on health of a woman. Orange juice is a citrus fruit that has good amount of vitamin C present in it which is useful to boost immunity in a person. Orange juice also helps to remove the toxic elements inside the body and aids in cell repair. Because of this, a pregnant woman or person suffering from dengue can combat dengue infection and increase their platelet levels.



Proper hydration is very important when a person suffers from dengue. This becomes more crucial when it is a case of pregnant woman. She already has another life inside her that needs proper nutrition and minerals. Therefore it is absolutely necessary to take care of the hydration of the woman and ensure she is taking enough fluids to stay healthy. Taking adequate amount of fluids and liquids can also reduce muscle cramps and headache that occur during this phase.



Giloy is actually more often used in Ayurveda to treat most types of fever. Giloy has anti-inflammatory properties that help to bring down the fever which occurs because of dengue. This home remedy does not cure dengue but helps to bring down the major symptoms like fever and infections. Giloy can be taken in the form of concentrated product or as a supplement. This can reduce fever in pregnant women that will help the body to focus on healing more often.

Methi Mix

Methi Mix

Methi leaves are beneficial for pregnant woman as it brings down the temperature and decreases the body ache and muscle pain that happens during dengue because of weakness. Methi leaves also relax the body and aids in healing process by promoting sleep. A person who is suffering from dengue should take methi seeds or consume methi leaves in order to promote health and improve healing process. For this you can soak the methi leaves overnight and have them in empty stomach.

Onion and Jaggery

Onion and Jaggery

Onions are beneficial to reduce fever and have been a proven remedy to cure many types of fever. Jaggery helps to increase the platelet count and along with onion it can be very beneficial for woman those are in the stage of pregnancy. Dengue fever can also be reduced by taking jiggery and onion together twice a day. For this you need to crush the jaggery in powdered form and crush around 2 onions to make it a mixture.
