Having Pins And Needles Sensation? 8 Home Remedies To Deal With Paresthesia

The arm or leg falling asleep is medically known as 'Paresthesia'. Check out these effective home remedies to deal with it. Read on.

Home Remedies BY Navya Kharbanda / 2022-03-14T14:00:15+5:30

Home remedies for paresthesia

If you experience a burning, pins and needles sensation in your arm or leg, it is called paresthesia. Called 'Fell asleep' in lay man terms. In most of the cases, it goes away if you change positions, but there are many underlying health conditions that can cause it chronically. Paresthesia symptoms can occur in any part of the body, but mostly in the hands, arms, legs and feet. Paresthesia of the face is rare but can occur suddenly. Here are some effective home remedies to deal with paresthesia.

Move around

Moving around is the first thing that comes in our mind if our legs or arms fell asleep. It can help in improving the blood circulation and providing relief from the uncomfortable sensations you are having. When the blood flow starts improving, it will start feeling a bit warmer and sometimes prickly for a few minutes. However, do not stand immediately and start running. Move around slowly and eventually.

Vitamin rich diet

Vitamin deficiency can also be a cause behind the chronic phase of paresthesia. For mild to moderate nutrient deficiencies, you can have vitamin B6-rich foods and vitamin B12 rich diet. It is advised to consult your dietician before making changes in the diet. If the symptoms are severe, then the doctor will suggest you to take supplements. Such diets will provide several other health benefits too.


Acupuncture is an amazing alternative therapy which is a part of traditional Chinese medicine. Being used for various purposes since many years, it can also treat paresthesia. In acupuncture, thin needles are inserted in and around the affected area to determine the cause of these sensations. There are several acupoints, which can improve blood circulation throughout the body. It is suggested to get acupuncture done by an expert.


Turmeric contains anti-inflammatory properties that can prove to be useful for treating many causes of paresthesia such as rheumatoid arthritis, infectious diseases and diabetes. The magical ingredient can help in controlling blood sugar levels and dealing with many other causes. You can have the golden milk or include turmeric in your daily diet in curries made at home.

Warm compression

Acute paresthesia can be treated using warm compression at home. It can help in increasing the blood flow to the affected area, as a result, providing relief from the symptoms of this condition. You can also take a hot shower to get rid of the tingling and numbness sensation. Soak a dry clean cloth in hot water and place on that area for a few minutes. You can even use a hot water bag for the same.


Massage is a popular home remedy for many health conditions, including paresthesia. It increases your blood circulation to both tackle and prevent the symptoms of paresthesia. You can take some essential oil and massage the affected area yourself in circular motions. Even if you don't use any oil, this natural remedy will be effective. You can even visit an expert to get the massage done.


Another helpful natural way to deal with  paresthesia is to do some basic stretching or light exercise to improve the blood circulation. In fact, regular exercise can prevent the occurence as it will improve your mobility in long term. Also, exercise helps in managing blood sugar levels as well, which can mainly help diabetes patients who are at a higher risk of experiencing this condition.

Ginger tea

Ginger can help in improving your blood circulation, thus managing paresthesia symptoms. It contains compounds that have a warming effect on the body, resulting in better blood circulation. It also stimulates the nervous system. If you cannot make ginger tea at home then another option to consume is to take ginger tablets but only after talking to your doctor about it.

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